Yuzu Marimada



2 years, 4 months ago


Yuzu Marimada
April 20
Lemon, Mada-Mada, Zuzu
MBTI + Enneagram
ISTJ 1w2
Alive / Taken
Student (no part-time job)
Health Conditions
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  • Microsoft Excel
  • Almond Latte (with three sugars)
  • All forms of sugar and candy
  • Thai massages (a rare treat)
  • Security
  • Nashi
  • Boredom
  • Disorganisation
  • Slow people
  • Foggy glasses
  • Bitter or sour foods
  • Nashi
  • Favourite colour: Grey
  • Favourite plant: Cactus
  • Favourite dish: Sour straps
  • Favourite game: Tetris
  • Favourite season: Winter
  • Favourite animal: Ant
  • Favourite sport: Tennis
  • Favourite ice cream flavour: Butterscotch
  • Favourite drink: Peach soda
  • If they were in Danganronpa, they would be the Ultimate Manager
  • Their Total Drama label would be The No-Nonsense Rule Basher
  • If they were a monster they would be an oni
  • As a kemonomimi they would be a white tiger
  • If they were in DnD they would be a halfling monk
  • They spend so much time typing on the computer that their handwriting is TERRIBLE
  • If they HAVE to write stuff, you bet they're listening to mechanical keyboard ASMR that shit is THERAPEUTIC for them
  • Hello world
Methodical . Motivated . Protective . Emotionally Awkward

Yuzu is relentlessly calm and precise: they plan every detail of their life to the T. As an intense workaholic, most of their life revolves around their school work, and doing it in the most perfect way possible, and this workaholicism is so extreme that they would literally lose their mind if they had nothing to do. Watch as they come in and rearrange your bookshelf, fix your file organisation and tidy up your whole life. Although they have the perfect academic life, when it comes to emotions, they have a really hard time recognising them, let alone expressing them: with a tone that is always formal and sometimes overly blunt, Yuzu sometimes just can't relate to the more tender side of things. Often they believed that friendships and love would just be another distraction, but as they are thrown into the deep end, they have grown to be very protective of all the people they love, even if they can't show it.


Out of the Marimada twins, Yuzu was often the favoured one: despite Nashi winning a scholarship for her national titles in wrestling, Yuzu was quiet, obedient, organized and academic. Though they were close, Yuzu simply couldn’t understand why Nashi had to act up in ways that would make them feel frustrated and exhausted. So, they just kept their heads down, doing what they’ve always done: making Excel sheets, being organised, and constantly starving for work to do. Unlike some of the other characters, Yuzu enjoyed routine - there was nothing to stuff them up, nothing to ruin the clockwork structure they had crafted for themselves. When Nashi begged for them to help her dying band “Sour Power” their whole life fell into chaos from there. Suddenly thrown into new friends, touring around the city, Yuzu gritted their teeth and sorted the finances, spinning hay into silk. They learnt to open up to others and embrace a community and world outside of their work. They resisted their shell of comfort they always sought in routine and tried to take more risks in their life. And at last, when they thought the sea settled at last, another storm was brewing somewhere...

Nashi | Twin sister

For two siblings meant to be twins, they couldn't be any more different - Yuzu is a reserved and organised law-abider, whilst Nashi is a rebellious and spontaneous individual. Even so, they both hold a deep respectfor each other (even if sometimes they get on each others' nerves) because each of their strengths complements the other. Every birthday they spend the whole day by themselves as a tradition.

Yuka | Partner

Yuka, being the typical social butterfly that he is, keeps going around and "pestering" Yuzu while they're working, which bothers them to no end. But in all of the disturbances there was a sense of comfort and before Yuzu knew it they began to miss him when he wasn't around and started to develop feelings for him (which they tried to push away because it would be "a distraction") all the while constantly doubting over whether Yuka had feelings back because he was always friendly with everyone. Their relationship is one of making sure the other doesn't overwork themselves and tsundere cuteness.

Jasper | Friend?

For all things meme-culture and hip with the kids, Yuzu turns to Jasper (a huge mistake to begin with), who more often than not plays practical pranks on poor Yuzu. Even then, they remain decent friends because once they stop bloody butting their heads together or participating in some roastfest, Yuzu and Jasper can work relatively well together, provided that Jasper doens't flake and Yuzu doesn't automatically dismiss Jasper's outlandish ideas as "stupid" because Jasper is the ideas man, and Yuzu executes.

  • Pointed jaw but wide-ish face
  • Piercing black eyes, described as "soulless" by Hana
  • Pointed nose
  • Small birth marks under their eyes
  • Light green bob-cut with pink ombre
  • Side-parted fringe (like k-pop boys LMAO)
  • Their hair poofs outwards at the end but isn't curly (straight as hell)
  • Small, skinny figure
  • They have never been mistaken for a child
  • ○ They work out only when forced to by their sister (although they know it’s healthy for them) so they have some muscle mass. If they punched you you would go “yeowch!” but there would be only bruises
  • They eat all of this candy but never gain weight
  • Reference: Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
  • Sort of dead, commanding, smoky (?)
  • Kind of monotonous to be honest
  • Laughs very drily
  • Can't sing for shit
  • Speaks very formally and bluntly but is learning to soften up
  • Has a few ear piercings (went to the piercing parlour with Nashi on their 13th birthday)
  • Usually only suits (two beige,, two grey, two black)
  • Sometimes spotted in sweaters and chinos (takes Yuka's plainest-looking ones)
  • Most of their clothing is minimalistic but have some accessories
  • Practically identical to casual
  • They wear suits all the time it's not even funny
  • T-shirt (usually plain white)
  • Pyjama pants (patterned)
  • Owns pyjama shorts but only wears them alone or with Yuka
  • Swim binder and board shorts
  • Hush puppies, work shoes (whatever you call them)
  • Sometimes borrows Nashi's converse
  • Owns ties in lots of different colours
  • Has one red beanie they got from Nashi on their 16th birthday that they wear when it's cold
  • Scarves (instead of ties) when it's cold
  • Sometimes has simple earrings (13th birthday adventure)