


2 years, 4 months ago


Nickname(s) Squirrel, Flowergirl
Pronouns She/Her
Age 43 Moons
Role Shadowclan Med Apprentice
Theme Therefore I Am

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Squirrelsmirk is the arrogant but gentle medicine cat apprentice of Shadowclan. Apprenticed as a warrior, she strives to show her place in the clan and that she finally fits in the clan. She is a hopeless romantic and a religious zealot with a brother named Sorrelskip.

A red molly with a white tipped tail and long fur. She has a circular patch on her chest and light markings on her face, with a notch in her ear. She has amber eyes. She has a swimmers build and is clearly not used to fighting, her form more dainty. To other cat's she might seem pretty or give away her more pretenious personality just by being slightly vain in looks- believing herself to be a pretty cat.

She was made an apprentice was 35 moons old, when her and her sibling were already seasoned warriors- but she wouldn't change it for the world. Due to her age she retains her warrior name as an apprentice but shouldn't get ahead of herself for it.


  • Intelligent
  • Determind
  • Gentle
  • Curious
  • Moral
  • Optimistic
  • Arrogant
  • Workaholic
  • Pretentious

Design Notes

  • She has a tear in her ear from patroling as a warrior. It was from nature itself, not a cat's claws as she was never a good fighter.
  • Her hair has sometimes cover one eye, but sometimes doesn't. It can fall either way.
  • Her eyelid is always visible unless she is shocked/scared.



Born as an set of two, Squirrelkit and Sorrelkit were loved by an older set of warriors. Having waited a long time to court, a lot time to move forward this was the only litter they'd have. Two kits was already a lot for them, it was all they needed.

BSquirrelkit was noted to be born intersex. Both parents made a decision to refer to her with female pronouns at first, to ask the kit later down the line if she felt any different. When she was old enough to know what she was deciding with experience on her back to count towards it, they'd accept her no matter what. The moment she said anything, they'd accept her.

BIt was all fine for a little bit. Squirrelkit and Sorrelkit grew up and played, though Squirrelkit seemed.. Less interested in it. She wanted to pick flowers around camp and learn of their names, put them in her mothers pelt. She liked the colours, she'd say if asked. If not watched she'd be trying to wander to the medicine cats den to see the funny smelling plants inside.

BWhen Squirrelkit was 3 moons old she lost her home. Two trees fall upon the camp and Minktail, Mistpool, and Cootsong perish in the crashing, the medicine cats were in disarray with all the injured and the deaths the clan faced. She doesn't understand it as caretakers scoop her up from a grieving mother mourning her clanmates. Squirrelkit begins to cry too and Sorrelkit makes fun of her for it- to try and lighten the mood. His own eyes are full of tears too as they watch their mother.

BHyzenthlay helps to find them somewhere new to live. Someplace warm and safe, Squirrelkit hopes as she eyes the medicine cats running back and forth, curious. She knew warriors- but the healers made her curious. Especially given Hyzenthlay was a healer, did they know her?

BIt took a long time to find shelter, patrols going out. She had grown before she knew it and Squirrelkit didn't have a nest she felt comfortable calling her own in the waterfall- at least there was new plants. She played less with Sorrelkit and tended to mop or hype herself up as the best warrior when it came to fighting her brother even if she lost most of the time.

Apprenticeship (Warrior)

Squirrelpaw.. A moon after her naming they got a home for now. That first moon was uneventful- Talondawn could only do so much and Squirrelkit didn't want to hang out with the other apprentices who were so much better than her. It hurt her ego. She dedicated herself to the jobs she was given at least.

A new home was welcome, a new nest. At least it was early on, her training could continue as normal. She learned a lot about Starclan from Talondawn due to his zealot status, it made her interested. Medicine cats seemed incredible for being able to talk to them so clearly. She worshipped them too, Sorrelpaw the opposite. His mentor didn't believe in their power, they clashed heads a lot about it as kids.

She continued to train. Average as best, horrid at worst, she would often wander off curious about a plant or a bug. She wandered for hours sometimes as her mentor just tailed behind her on down days, she never wanted to abandon something she was curious for.

Sometimes, she would grab a plant and try to ask warriors what it meant- she was scared to ask Batface. He didn't seem to be doing well after the.. camp thing. It was, a lot, and she was scared he would kick her halfway across camp for it. She would sit outside the medicine cats den to watch the two medicine cats work though. She found it interesting and would talk to herself about the herbs they used, she knew them better than battle moves half the time.

She was just dainty, that's all.

Sometimes Flamestep comes by, and thats the apprentices queue to leave. Always.

Training continued, she passed.. Her tests. Barely. She muttered herbs under her breath until Sorrelpaw slapped her face as the sun sunk or if he was just sick of her hours of talking.


Sorrelskip, and Squirrelsmirk. Their names were fitting, almost a match in a way, even if Squirrelsmirk and Sorrelskip argued constantly about who was the better warrior. Squirrelsmirk knew she was- she just didn't try enough. Right?

Of course.

Cat's began to disappear shortly after she was named, cut. It didn't bother Squirrelsmirk, firm in her feelings as a woman but otherwise infertile. If she was cut it wouldn't change anything, she wanted to rush close to the medicine cats though. Flamestep was gone, and Batface looked ruined for both him and Finchfire.

It wasn't her position to comfort a cat she hadn't even spoken to, instead she watched her aging parents retire to elderhood and longed to help more, her paws scraping the ground under her.

Timberwolf returns along with Brindlecloud at first- where they got the information. Then Finchfire and Martengale, Squirrelsmirk is happy to see Finchfire for the medicine cats sake.

They had to be top of their game for all these semi-injured cats returning.

Flamestep remains missing though, and Squirrelsmirk is upset she never got to speak to him more than anything. He seemed like a good cat, and Dayshimmer was.. maybe a friend who seemed heart broken over it. They were family, as far as she remembered, and that meant something important was lost to many cats in the clan. Many of them closer to Flamestep than her.

Squirrelsmirk seems to continue to listen to the talk of herbs, pushing into the den once or twice with an injury and able to finally speak to Batface.

He was sure something.

Her brother didn't seem fond of Batface but that was his own problem, he wasn't the one who needed healing or ever cared much for herbs- a warrior to the bitter end. It was strange but it seemed to fit her brother more to be a warrior, she'd often clash with his ideals and they would argue a bit. Never to the point of hate though, the two loved each other in some form as family.

She liked him though, well enough. He was a Starclan blessed cat who saved others, Squirrelsmirk has stars in her eyes. It was as if she was speaking to a Starclan cat himself, but she never voiced it. It was clear that Batface didn't feel the same and she wasn't about to get on his bad side when she was bleeding.

The famine hit and the lack of the mollys abilities as a warrior hit hard. She couldn't catch a thing in these conditions and it made her want to cry. The world was just against her, the stars were testing her.

Rogues though, they didn't care for the Star's law like a clanmate. Acaciafire was killed by a rogue, rattle, over prey and the molly mourned. All her clanmates were important to her no matter what she knew of them.

The least she could do was comfort any clanmates who needed it, she wasn't fit to be a caretaker but she was a warrior and it was best to honor those that go to Starclan. She would try to hunt harder, to provide for those who were too busy mourning to hunt- even if she could barely catch her own tail on a good day.

After a year. A full year of sitting outside the den and trying to say hello to Batface whenever he walked by, to get in his good graces, Flamestep returns. She is happy by proxy, he is a clanmate. She doesn't rush forward like others, but she calls out in joy to see his face. Maybe Batface would feel better now, could be the top of his game like he was before Flamestep was taken.

Two rogue kits are taken in and Squirrelsmirk feels empathy for them, they are just children. She'd take care of them herself, debating being a caretaker to get out of doing warrior duties that got her injured and that she could barely do. It felt useless.

She wasn't a caretaker though, those kits weren't hers to care for.

Tundrafang seemed to disagree so hard that she picked a fight with a friendly rogue. Sophie, she recognized the name from mutters from the medicine cats den and Squirrelsmirk seemed to watch the medicine cats more than her own clanmates.

At least she was punished. Tundrapaw now- how silly to go back to being an apprentice and nothing more. Perhaps the Star's would punish her more readily.

Freckleshimmer arrives to Shadowclan with no explaination, staying for only a few days to recover before leaving.

Squirrelsmirk wishes she could've asked questions. to identify any of the fun flowers she finds, anything. Batface wasn't one she could approach with all this- he was scary. Or, at least she didn't want to get yelled at even if the other wasn't in the worst mood, a better mood for a medicine cat meant better care for the clan. It's better for her to avoid asking a hundred questions at once.

Cat's start to go missing again and Squirrelsmirk watches like a hawk towards those close to Batface and Valarianshade, both medicine cats were needed. They couldn't.. shouldn't, be punished by the Stars again for anything. They hadn't done anything. Hopeful none of the ones they loved, nor a cat like Honeysucklegaze who had become one of her friends, had been taken.

Squirrelsmirk hangs around the medicine cats den more as Valarianshade steps down- going deaf and being unable to work as a medicine cat anymore. Popping her head in more to peek over the medicine cats den to blurt out the name of herbs.

She didn't know what they were used for.. She didn't want to intrude but she felt comfortable here. Trying to sneak in and steal a nest when the den was totally empty and to strike up converstation until prompty being kicked out for not being sick.

She also.. Perhaps.. Lied a bit about being sick a couple times. To spend some time in the den, though she often refused most herbs and 'perked up' just before being given them.

The star's wouldn't like if she wasted them. Batface seemed not too keen on her constant butting in but.. She was showing she was worth this. She could do this better than any newly born kitten that would have to wait 6 moons to be at his side. Even listing something the use of a cobweb to both Raccoonstar and Batface whenever she could.

This was everything to her. This was where she would thrive, perhaps even figure out if any of those neat flowers were herbs.

Apprenticeship (Medicine Cat)

She was made a medicine cats apprentice, not exactly getting along with Batface all the time. Perhaps it was at Raccoonstars will before Batface, only agreed upon by a chance of fate. Not that she was afraid to talk to him anymore, hanging around the den had been an enlightening experience on how to deal with him.

Her.. Belief in her abilities didn't help. Starclan was her everything, and she was better at this than warriorhood so her confidence shot up. She was more mouthy to match Batface's quips but she was never overly mean, never hit a weakspot.

The tom would always mourn Valarianshades departure, though they weren't dead they were together for so long.. it was probably strange.

So Squirrelsmirk didn't try to replace them. She was her own cat, she wouldn't pretend to be something else.

Apprentice of a million questions, of annoying barks and midnight wake-ups to ask about some herb she imagined in her sleep. It was like she was 6 moons old again even though she was closer to being middle aged.

After a few moons it was Petroleum to offer those clans to work together. Squirrelsmirk didn't push too hard her own opinion, she was still an apprentice, and if they were to work together they were to work together. She watched Batface closely for a reaction- for anything. She wanted to mimic his opinion in something this big.

Hawkstar calmed them all down, thank Starclan for his presence. She was fond of the older leader like any medicine cat in training who worshiped the Stars would be.

And then cats were running around to try and get rid of monsters. This was Squirrelsmirks first experience with the panic, leaders dying- Raccoonstar twice. Huckleberry dying, a warrior without lives to spare.. It was a lot. She felt the panic rush through her as she follow Batface around, only working on her own with permission but eagle-eyeing in on her duties. To work, to be quieter than usual with no snark and she listened to orders from Batface easily. This was beyond her confidence, beyond her ability in herself.

This was real, this was her job. By Starclan would she do it.

Not that Batface wasn't upset in the moment too- Huckleberry was a friend of his. Squirrelsmirk felt a bit at a loss when the tom needed a moment to himself to mourn but she was quick to squash it with work she knew how to do without her mentors watch or help. It didn't take much to apply a cobweb.

She'd come check on him though, he was a mentor and a friend- At least she assumed they were friends. Either way, she cared about Batface and losing a friend in such a violent and unforgiving way was hard. She'd sit silently as he grieved

When it was all over she sighed out relief, only one warrior of theirs was lost and heard of one warrior of Thunderclan. All the leaders had lives left, they had something left and were breathing.

She did her job, Squirrelsmirk thought she did it well enough if no one else died of injury. There was just the heartbreak of her mentor to handle now, it was almost as if the tom was only allowed to keep Flamestep now and nothing more.

Squirrelsmirk kept her arrogance to herself for one, not treating him like a newborn kitten but letting him have his space, sorting the den out. Simple things even a warriors apprentice could do with patience- Give him time to take everything in. Banter when it came up to provide him a sense of something being normal- but with a tone to it that suggested he would win no matter the topic that came up.

Antlerhowl, Jaggedstep, and Sunsetsnarl find twoleg place, and Squirrelsmirk is worried for her clanmates. For those around her.

Yewbriar was abducted by twolegs. Squirrelsmirk was.. upset. Said as much to Batface. She didn't recieve much comfort but the back and forth was a good way to go about her emotions. This wasn't something she could solve with effort or with herbs, twolegs were beasts. She would provide an opinion if asked, that they had to do something, but she didn't know what that something was. She wouldn't be much use.


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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.


  • Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
  • Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.
  • Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.