Aileth's Comments

okay, she’s honestly rly cool- I like her design and green on character designs is underrated.

Arpina, Lessie, Adhara, Or Brie? Celastria, Aureole, or Avonlea could also be a consideration choice for namesss >v>;;

she's so cool! :0 <33 looks like she'd make a great lead vocalist if she were in a band with Nyx :D

They're going to be in the same band actually! XD I was thinking of putting her in drums or keyboards ^^

Ooo, or maybe she could play the bass-

i feel like Nyx would be more suited for bass :0 keyboards is a great choice for this oc though!

Ayyy, I was thinking guitar for Nyx, but I guess I haven't made all the members yet XD

I think it would be cool to not have the 'main' person of the band to be a guitarist or vocalist though-

yeah, something different :0 maybe the drummer? they're the core part yet most underrated of a band! (generally speaking)

I don't see Nyx as a drummer tbh, but that is true XD

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