


2 years, 3 months ago



I won't be paralyzed


Aileth is the keyboardist of the band. On stage, she often has a keytar, but can also play on a keyboard or piano. She knows a little bit of guitar too but isn't a master at it.

Full Name Aileth

Gender Female

Age 21

Sexuality Biroace

Band Essence of the Eloquent

Instrument Keyboardist

Birthday November 28th

Zodiac Sagittarious


hard-working intelligent serious busy

Aileth is very smart, always having a plan all set and knowing how to fix a vareity of problems. She's often very serious, however, not loving jokes and pranks, and preferring talk of things that are actually important. This doesn't mean that she can't have fun though.

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Diligent Lazy
Cooperative Loner
Emotional Indifferent
Careful Reckless
Honest Deceptive
Affectionate Reserved

Design Notes

Aileth has two designs, she can be drawn in either. If you're drawing her, please keep her skintone the way it is. I've had a lot of people change it to be lighter.

Height 5'9"

Hair Color Dark brown with green

Eye Color Green

Fashion Style Alternative



Aileth had never known what it felt like to have a lot. She loved her parents, of course, but her mother was too sick to ever be able to work and her father's job never got them a lot of money. They lived in a small apartment, and had to learn how to make their own repairs. Aileth had to skip school often to help out around the house, often studying instead of going to bed so she wouldn't fall behind. At the age of 15, she started to fix her classmates electronics for some extra cash. It wasn't much, but she wanted to feel useful.

She joined the band after she'd fixed Nyx's guitar, meeting her at a park after her boyfriend had smashed it. Luckily, Aileth was skilled in quite a few areas, being able to make it good as new. She did a little testrun to prove that it was repaired and impressed Nyx with her musical abilities.



Aileth and Nyx are very close, being the first two members of the band. They met when Aileth had fixed Nyx's guitar.


Aileth and Deliah aren't super close but they are still friends.


Aileth personality often clashes with Elicia's, wishing that she'd be more serious about things. Elicia tends to avoid pulling pranks on Aileth.


Aileth finds Hadley naive, but she only ever tells her this as a joke. She doesn't want to hurt her, just to mess around.


Aileth respects how calm melody is, finding that she and Nyx are the only other people in the group who have common sense.