Chieko's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

luxidoptera Global Rules

Under normal circumstances, it's okay to disregard one of my characters' transfer rules if it says they "cannot be transferred for any reason"- I probably forgot to set actual transfer rules for them. Just follow what's in my ToU, or ping me if it's that big of a deal.

If you bought my characters for any currency value (money/points/whatever), you may resell them, but for no more than the price I originally sold them for or any equivalent in another currency, unless they have gained extra art since you obtained them. Do not resell them at all during the first week of ownership.

If you recieved them through a forum thread, had them traded to you, etc., please do not sell them for any value, unless they have gained extra art since you obtained them. You may retrade/regift my characters as much as you want, though- no time limit on this one.

Basically, just don't use my characters for some sort of character-flipping moneymaking scheme. That's scummy.

You're allowed to make alterations to a character design of mine if you want, but please do not change a character's design so much that the original intent is lost. I'd say about 50-70% of the design at minimum should remain the same.

Please leave my watermark on my art, unless I created it specifically for you. On your profile or not, it is still my art, and my watermark is there for a reason- I don't want to have to start baking it into my images. (This does not apply to pre-watermark images, i.e. stuff I made in my Wikia days that my friends uploaded. Not much I can do about that.)

You cannot use or draw my characters in any way if you are XMidnightLeviathanX/Noivern-Marie-Fan/rhiannePangaea, you are BlueStarrySkies/N0vaBlue, you are uchiuchiuchi, or you associate with those people in any way. If you are friends with (or you are) that person, just block me.