


2 years, 3 months ago


Del's boyfriend, they're absolutely inseparable lol

he's a good boy by Del's standards but that's to say he isn't super sweet and innocent lolllllll. he's just more toned down in terms of havoc. a lowkey kinda guy!

very self-conscious about his appearance, he doesn't overcompensate and instead just lets himself be since there's no changing how feminine he looks

he works as a barista at a local cafe but isn't the best at it, his true dreams lie in dancing, and every day he has off from work he goes to his dance company to practice-- he knows he's good at it but has no confidence to back up his work. (also if he doesn't know most of the people watching him, he freezes up)
del has made him a much more stronger man (emotionally lol), and if del didn't need his help he would still be living with his family and causing havoc himself = P