Cupcake Addison



2 years, 4 months ago


Characters are works in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.
Sorry for calling my cooking better on page 30
Full Name
Cupcake Addison
CC, Cuppy, Cakes
June 10th
Apprentice at Strawberry's Bakery
Chaotic Neutral
You're my best friend right... Uhm... Whats your name again?

Cupcake Addison is an apprentice working in Strawberry's Bakery and a previous waiter at Fluff Cakes. His friendly attitude earned him a fairly good reputation among his clients. Although he does tend to overshare news with his customers and generally invade their personal space at times as his communication skills aren't the best.

Unknown to everyone else, he is very obsessed with storing the personal information of others, often listening in on his customer's conversations, keeping tabs, and building in-depth profiles of anybody he finds "engaging". His profiles include but are not limited to full name, background, home details, credit card info, etc. Unlike Cali Addison he dosen't sell this information to other Addisons.

Height 5'5
Body Type Slender
Body Build Mesomorph
Weight 120lbs
Body Shape Hourglass
Attractiveness Bruh idfk

Cupcake is a Pink Addison, his color is more aligned to be pastel similar to cotton candy. Just like his sister Angel Cake, he has small freckles across his body, however, the rose turtleneck he typically wears keeps them all hidden. He's made minor modifications to his body, like the small white streaks of hair dye on his bangs and little floof on top.

Similar to SJ, his fashion doesn't align with what's typically seen as work-appropriate by most Addison's either. He doesn't care about professionalism one bit and just kind of goes with whatever he likes even at times when he probably shouldn't. His attire was heavily influenced by SJ's brand. He originally only wore it to get closer to him and believed dressing in a soft manner would make himself look harmless. But eventually, the style actually rubbed off on him and he really enjoys it now.


His voice is probably very upbeat, he sounds very friendly and approachable on a surface level. He can't exactly hide his feelings very well so his tone of voice can sound very arrogant and pretentious at little things, even if he's trying to appear happy. His volume is always fairy loud no matter the context of the situation. He likes to think he sounds captivating and soothing, but he kind of just sounds like a dweeb ass loser. His voice can get very squeaky at times and he doesn't like it very much.
Voice Claim


Cupcakes typically underlays his rose turtleneck with almost all of his outfits including his work uniform. His uniform consists of a light pink apron, with a ribbon attached to the straps overneath a white collared shirt, as well as the typical light green pants seen on most addisons.

He decided to apply small elements of lolita fashion into his attire after being exposed to the genere by SJ as well. His crepe lolita schoenen vrouwen sneakers and his lolita glasses are what he loves most about his outfit.

Just like SJ, Cupcake is comfortable wearing dresses, but dosen’t wear them in public very often. A lot of his outfits are very feminine leaning (almost all his outfits being some shade of pink). Most of his dresses are sweet lolita as he mainly buys them from SJ.


Cupcake actually owns lots of lolita glasses. He made them himself with the help of SJ. The charms mainly being dessert or flower themed. The one he wears most often being the cupcake charmed one most seen in his design.

Above all else his favorite accessories are charms and pins. He dose own a bi pin but it's not seen on any of his outfits as of now.

Cupcake also enjoys putting ribbons and bells onto his outfits a lot.

Cupcake lets SJ dress him in decora sometimes. He only wears it on special occasions or in order to make SJ feel happy, but his favorite part of this outfit are the bracelets, stickers, and candy hair pins.

  • Cupcake is accustomed to wearing his turtleneck under all of his clothes, it’s a habit he subconsciously picked up to hide his bruise marks from customers during his time working at Fluff Cakes.
  • Another reason he wears his turtleneck everywhere is because he’s insecure about the small freckles on his body.
  • In all of Cupcake’s outfits except for his date outfit he covers his neck in one way or another.
  • Cupcake wears hot pink contact lenses when wearing his dress because he likes being more flashy when wearing it.
  • Cupcake’s glasses are prescription, he just attaches charms to them because he thinks they’re cute, mainly dessert or flower themed charms. He gets SJ's help with a lot of them.
Creator Me!
  • I usually like adding more prominent highlights to his glasses and hair particularly.
  • The lenses on his main glasses have a small pink tint to them.
  • The cupcake charm hanging from his glasses is on the same side of his face where his ahoge is!
  • The small freckles on his body are mainly on his chest and neck.
Enneagram TBA
Demeanor Careless
Temperament Sanguine

While Cupcake is not truly very threatening in behavior, he is a very intense person. No matter the emotion he is feeling, or the context of the situation, he will almost always behave in a way that’s way too intense. His emotions can quickly fluctuate between extreme lows and extreme highs, never seeming to find a middle ground to stand on. He has problems with clear communication, self-control, and patience. Which doesn’t work out well considering the jobs he’s stationed to work at are very customer service oriented. He genuinely believes that some of his regular customers are his “friends”, and will often overshare news with them and generally cross their boundaries without realizing what he’s doing.

Another strong flaw of his is his lack of empathy for others. When not working at Strawberry’s Bakery, he makes extra cash by extorting others by threatening to leak their personal information. He doesn’t take it very seriously, if anything he finds it funny. But he doesn’t pose much of a threat to others without their personal information.

Positive Traits

Charming Enthusiastic Excitable Curious Imaginative

Neutral Traits

Extroverted Romantic Careless Petty Competitive

Negative Traits

Unpredictable Invasive Nosy Clingy Pushy Obsessive


  • Slushie Addison!
  • Collecting others personal info
  • Building profiles on others
  • Hugs, hand-holding, etc.
  • Cupcakes
  • Baking.


  • Cinnamon pancakes
  • Cooking
  • Literature
  • Large groups
  • Social events
  • Spyware


  • Strawberry Addison?
  • Buttercream Addison
  • Being hit / smacked
  • Arguing with SJ
  • Not being acknowledged or awarded by others


  • Angel Cake Addison
  • Fluff Cakes
  • Physical fights
  • Abandonment
  • The smell of burnt pastries
  • Being completely ignored

Goals & Dreams

  • Above everything else Cupcake dreams to have a strong support system of loved ones and friends who he can truly understand.
  • Cupcake wants to stop collecting data on others. He knows pushing for information about his loved ones even when they don’t want him to would cause lots of problems while trying to form actual authentic relationships.

Secrets & Fears

  • Cupcake is deeply insecure about his relationships. This is a very deep-rooted fear of his that affects a lot of his everyday thoughts and behavior. I go more into detail about this fear of his in his background since it’s a big part of his character that needs a bit more detail to properly explain.
  • Cupcake’s obsession with collecting other people's personal information and making profiles on others has always been a deep secret of his. The only people who know about it are Strawberry and Slushie.
  • He has a fear of being abandoned by Slushie, for the most part he’s able to keep it to himself but bottling it inside for to long can cause him to be clingy towards him.


  • Lying
  • Analyzing others
  • Showing off
  • Rambling
  • Speaking loudly
  • Trusting instincts before anything else


  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Latte art
  • Decorating
  • Writing
  • Hacking
  • "This you? 🤓"-ing people


  • Changing contact lenses depending his outfit
  • Typically dresses all in one color
  • Neat freak
  • Control freak
  • Highly energetic and hardly gets rest
  • Very is unpredictable behavior
  • Obsessive personality


  • Talks over others
  • Tilting head in thought
  • Twirling hair
  • Prolonged eye contact in conversation
  • Swaying while standing
  • Muttering to himself
  • Gazing off into space.
Q: This is a QNA section!

This section is blank as of now because nobody has asked anything. Feel free to ask anything! I never mind qustions at all!

Lolita Glasses

Cupcake owns a variety of handmade lolita glasses! Most of them were made with the help of SJ.

Lots of dessert realted hair pins he once again got from SJ.
Strawberry Bakey Name Pin

A pin he wears during his shifts at Strawberry's Bakery
Fluff Cakes Name Pin

He dosen't know why he kept it.



Character history here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate necessitatibus illum placeat sequi eum alias libero unde numquam, atque vel accusantium saepe doloribus asperiores ut neque facilis, sit molestias impedit!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima illo numquam, atque voluptates ex veniam. Molestias facere ut eum, fugit nesciunt maiores tempore magnam. Magni reiciendis reprehenderit laudantium eos ratione? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente sit dolorum dicta voluptas, consequatur esse veritatis quo rem vel, quod sed nam saepe voluptatum unde. Quibusdam sequi magni quam quo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ratione maxime ea odio vero, molestiae omnis molestias. Non blanditiis cum quisquam animi, tempore consequuntur maxime magnam. Ipsa sint laboriosam atque soluta.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, eveniet, quae cumque, est id ut similique aspernatur facere quidem maiores perferendis praesentium minima harum. Possimus minima hic eaque culpa explicabo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam maxime, nostrum alias eaque nemo officia? Non iusto, alias nostrum provident aliquam ratione minima quo porro doloremque magnam ipsam adipisci nam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto nostrum iusto dolorem dicta! Dolorum ut id consequuntur autem distinctio nam labore sint quaerat velit error, earum iste, modi voluptates asperiores.

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore voluptatibus dolores velit. A aperiam commodi id excepturi. Nulla quas eligendi maxime ut, omnis rerum quod sit perspiciatis sapiente modi praesentium? Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Debitis, vitae nesciunt. Natus, cupiditate, iste nobis voluptas facilis beatae veniam vitae alias, corporis tempora nam officia sunt placeat sapiente similique. Voluptatem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate necessitatibus illum placeat sequi eum alias libero unde numquam, atque vel accusantium saepe doloribus asperiores ut neque facilis, sit molestias impedit!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima illo numquam, atque voluptates ex veniam. Molestias facere ut eum, fugit nesciunt maiores tempore magnam. Magni reiciendis reprehenderit laudantium eos ratione? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente sit dolorum dicta voluptas, consequatur esse veritatis quo rem vel, quod sed nam saepe voluptatum unde. Quibusdam sequi magni quam quo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ratione maxime ea odio vero, molestiae omnis molestias. Non blanditiis cum quisquam animi, tempore consequuntur maxime magnam. Ipsa sint laboriosam atque soluta.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, eveniet, quae cumque, est id ut similique aspernatur facere quidem maiores perferendis praesentium minima harum. Possimus minima hic eaque culpa explicabo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam maxime, nostrum alias eaque nemo officia? Non iusto, alias nostrum provident aliquam ratione minima quo porro doloremque magnam ipsam adipisci nam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto nostrum iusto dolorem dicta! Dolorum ut id consequuntur autem distinctio nam labore sint quaerat velit error, earum iste, modi voluptates asperiores.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


Character history here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate necessitatibus illum placeat sequi eum alias libero unde numquam, atque vel accusantium saepe doloribus asperiores ut neque facilis, sit molestias impedit!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima illo numquam, atque voluptates ex veniam. Molestias facere ut eum, fugit nesciunt maiores tempore magnam. Magni reiciendis reprehenderit laudantium eos ratione? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente sit dolorum dicta voluptas, consequatur esse veritatis quo rem vel, quod sed nam saepe voluptatum unde. Quibusdam sequi magni quam quo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ratione maxime ea odio vero, molestiae omnis molestias. Non blanditiis cum quisquam animi, tempore consequuntur maxime magnam. Ipsa sint laboriosam atque soluta.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, eveniet, quae cumque, est id ut similique aspernatur facere quidem maiores perferendis praesentium minima harum. Possimus minima hic eaque culpa explicabo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam maxime, nostrum alias eaque nemo officia? Non iusto, alias nostrum provident aliquam ratione minima quo porro doloremque magnam ipsam adipisci nam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto nostrum iusto dolorem dicta! Dolorum ut id consequuntur autem distinctio nam labore sint quaerat velit error, earum iste, modi voluptates asperiores.

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore voluptatibus dolores velit. A aperiam commodi id excepturi. Nulla quas eligendi maxime ut, omnis rerum quod sit perspiciatis sapiente modi praesentium? Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Debitis, vitae nesciunt. Natus, cupiditate, iste nobis voluptas facilis beatae veniam vitae alias, corporis tempora nam officia sunt placeat sapiente similique. Voluptatem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate necessitatibus illum placeat sequi eum alias libero unde numquam, atque vel accusantium saepe doloribus asperiores ut neque facilis, sit molestias impedit!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima illo numquam, atque voluptates ex veniam. Molestias facere ut eum, fugit nesciunt maiores tempore magnam. Magni reiciendis reprehenderit laudantium eos ratione? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente sit dolorum dicta voluptas, consequatur esse veritatis quo rem vel, quod sed nam saepe voluptatum unde. Quibusdam sequi magni quam quo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ratione maxime ea odio vero, molestiae omnis molestias. Non blanditiis cum quisquam animi, tempore consequuntur maxime magnam. Ipsa sint laboriosam atque soluta.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, eveniet, quae cumque, est id ut similique aspernatur facere quidem maiores perferendis praesentium minima harum. Possimus minima hic eaque culpa explicabo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam maxime, nostrum alias eaque nemo officia? Non iusto, alias nostrum provident aliquam ratione minima quo porro doloremque magnam ipsam adipisci nam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto nostrum iusto dolorem dicta! Dolorum ut id consequuntur autem distinctio nam labore sint quaerat velit error, earum iste, modi voluptates asperiores.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
  • Cupcake is afraid of physical confrontation which is why he mainly has fun playing mind games with people instead. A big part of the reason he doesn't like getting physically aggressive is because of Angel Cake Addison.
  • Angel cake Addison also contributed to why Cupcake is such a touchy person. He overcompensates for how often he was physically hurt by her by needing the physical comfort of others.
  • Cupcake's only romantic partner has been Slushie so he doesn't exactly know what he's doing.
  • Cupcake liked the idea of throwing boiling deep-frying oil at Strawberry as a joke until he realized it would fucking kill him.
  • He has also plotted to bring an infestation of Maus into SB's Bakery to get it shut down by a health inspector for a few weeks. He never actually carried through though.

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