


2 years, 5 months ago



King of Domideus

  • AGE 29
  • RACE "Divine", Technically Human
  • PRONOUNS he/him
  • ORIENTATION Homosexual
  • Type King

Reyes, cousin of the heir to the throne, Bonifatsi, is sent to protect him and keep him in the basement. Boni's parents lie to the country that he has passed away due to his health condition, so Reyes is in charge of making sure he is not seen by the people. They end up growing up together due to this fact, becoming quite close.

When Bonifatsi leaves to find someone to heal his health condition, Reyes refuses to go with him. His loyalty lies within the kingdom of Domideus. Now alone, Boni's parents end up getting assassinated and Reyes's father becomes king. Knowing he will be a vicious king, Reyes hires someone to end his father's life. Due to these events, Reyes now becomes king of Domideus, struck with guilt and pain for being the cause of his father's death.

When he isn't helping the healing mages out on the battle field, he is at home, hunting small game with a bow and arrows and enjoying the peace and quite. He loves water and bathes a couple times a day, occassionally tripping out, drunk, or high as he does so. Reyes has a deep secret; not only has he killed his father, but he was also born without any magic. This technically makes him a human, and not a divine; ironic being he is the king of the country of divine humans.

Layout by Parziivale | Code by AviCode