


2 years, 3 months ago


William ***


"Be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don't."


N A M E  __ William
G E N D E R __ Male
A G E  __ Adult
B I R T H D A Y __ 1/21/22
T H E M E __Tome of Poisons and Kills / #886
T Y P E __  Fooling / 886
O C C U P A T I O N __ Book Appreciator 
M A T E __ VInce
L I K E S__ Relaxing and going through any forbidden texts
N A T I O N / M A S T E R L I S T __ --- / 239
D I S L I K E S __ Being told what to do or being bossed around by their deity
W E A K N E S S __ Exercise and sweating



"Tome is a lazy Fooling who longes around the restricted areas of libraries. Actually not much of an librarian themselves,
they lurk around old tomes and books to find an enchantment that will unbind them from their deity.
Or a secret tip in regards to poison that will lead to their freedom..."  Lusomnia






Being Vince's protegee, Will can't help but tease the younger foo until his hairs split. Always thinking the foo is too
high strung and moody for his age Will loves pulling minor pranks on the foo to mildly inconvenience him. Be it
giving him the wrong direction to where his mentor Vince is, or spooking him when the opportunity arises. Is
often called the laziest foo in existence by Sunny and is often on the receiving end of a glare,




Vince is Williams boyfriend and the only one that can without a hint of sarcasm laugh at Vince's jokes as
if he were a top tier comedian. When not researching ways to break his contract with his deity, he loves to
sneak out from the library he's usually holed up in to hang out with Vince and listen to his humming. Never
really knowing the tune he's humming to, William would improvise and attempt to match his lovers song
often failing horribly and scaring off any poor foo wandering the area thinking the forests were cursed. Since
William is a super lazy foo Vince would usually have to carry him home back into his library before his deity
hunts him down himself. 

