


7 years, 2 months ago


Vince ***


"Let me be clear - no one is above the law. Not a politician, not a criminal, not a police officer.

 We are all accountable for our actions." – Antonio Villaraigosa


N A M E  __ Vince
G E N D E R __ Male
A G E  __ Adult
B I R T H D A Y __ 10/29/15
T H E M E __ Niel, who reads the stars / #239
T Y P E __  Fooling
O C C U P A T I O N __ Retired Police Chief, Currently a Shaman
M A T E __ William
L I K E S__ Crows, nature, a good whistlin' tune, pipes, and honesty.
N A T I O N / M A S T E R L I S T __ Norden / 239
D I S L I K E S __ Skeptics,  brats, and folks that don't like crows.
W E A K N E S S __ Loves crows more then other foos



Vince, also known as Vincent, is a former police chief turned shaman. His special ability, or "gift" as

 some may call it, is the power to see into the past, present, and future. He is often found in the

 outskirts of town, hidden deep in the forest whistling a simple tune of nothing in particular. Some

 speculate that his only companion is the crow thats always perched on his collar, seeing that he is pretty

 aloof in nature. Vince is often mistaken for a wilding, because of his longer and messier looking

 fur. However the only thing that's wild about him is his dry sense of humor.


"Halloween is coming nearer and the spirits of Nio are preparing for the night of the nights! That's when

 some dear Foolings show their true nature. May they be undead beings, zombies, bloodsuckers or

 other kinds of cursed creatures.  One of the last peculiars. This one is Niel, raised in the depths of

 Norden's woods. Because of their  long fur, they are often confused as a Wildling. They have the

 ability to talk to animals, and prefers their companionship over Foolings and humans. A young Raven

 is always by their side. Moreover, he has an incredible gift: They can see the future and present. That's

 also one of the reasons of why they try to avoid contact to other Foos."  Lusomnia






Sunny is Vince's mentee. After meeting the wayward foo, in an alley after a scuffle. Vince couldn't

 help wanting to help Sunny redeem himself, and save him from the destructive path he seemed to be on. He

 knew of Sunny during his time in the force, from the times he worked on cases with his father Ren. Overall

 Sunny looks up to Vince, and Vince cares greatly for Sunny even if he doesn't want to admit it.




Sachi doesn't really have a real strong opinion of Vince. Just sees him as that weird foo his brother likes

 to hang out with. Often times he can be found hiding behind trees, snooping in on Sunny and Vince's

 conversations. Vince is quiet fond of Sachi in the "this foop is a good influence for the

 troubled bean foop," sorta way.



Vince's lazy adorable boyfriend.
