


2 years, 4 months ago




Female (she/her)



5'6 / 167cm


Turf War Player






Perri is a 17 year old inkling girl attending high school her senior year. She is about 5'6, and plays an aggresive style with Dapple Dualies. She is an insomniac squid kid who usually goes on to participate in turf wars secretly. The only motivation is her desire to meet up with her friends. She is often nervous in most situations (besides casual turf war, but a competition and ranked makes her really anxious) and always thinks before she acts.

She has a few close friends, Hama, Omura, and Gar. She has a friendly rivalry with the Koral Kidz, and is quite popular after winning a tournament in the Chaos vs. Order final splatfest. She seems to rarely play due to her helicopter parents, but actively plays in secret, having school to excuse her from these things, and her teachers actively help her when these common circumstances happen.









  • video games
  • turf wars
  • chaos in matches


  • her mother
  • private schools
  • gloogas

Perri is an inkling with a desaturated blue eye color and styles an orange-cyan modified hipster hairstyle; two enlongated tentacles drooping out the mask, three tentacles on the back of her hair, and one tentacle on the top of her head. She uses the anglerfish mask to hide this, as she is a bit insecure of it. Perri rocks with the Angler Fish Mask, Varsity Jacket, and Truffle Canvas Hi-Tops.


Early Childhood

Perri grew up in a neighborhood circumstance where she stayed inside most of the time. She has two parents who are helicopter parents, never leaving her sight unless needed. She grew up with her neighbor, Gar, and would walk her to pre-school while he was in the 2nd grade. Perri, on one of her walks, saw some trending inklings with weapons, and she had never seen anything like it. Gar explains that a recent sport was made, and Perri definetly wanted to be a part in it. Once she was on her way home, she told her parents about it, and they were worried that Perri would pick up a dangerous "sport", so for kindergarden, they would move her to a private school until she was in 8th grade, hoping that the memory of turf wars would not be etched into her mind for the majority of her childhood. After hearing that she would move to a private school, she would say her goodbyes at the end of the summer and boarded the bus to a far away area.

Private Elementary

Perri was a troublemaker ever since she took a step into the elementary school. Said elementary had a strict rule in sports and talks about the turf war, as it was associated with the past Great Turf War, but Perri was still interested in it nonetheless. She had made a couple of friends, some enemies, but she was most prominent in the boys friend group, as the girls were just beyond disgusted of her behavior. Perri had experienced a weird shift in where she hated the school and didn't fit in because of her interest in turf wars, not even the boys were interested! Once it was time to leave home for the final time, one of the friends, Nix, confessed his love to Perri. However, when Perri denies his offer, Nix instead kisses her for the first and final time, and Perri leaves almost shocked, yet grossed out. She had heard from her parents that she would move back to public school with no hesitation, which is a relief for her, since the majority of the kids at the private elementary were really mean to her.

High School

The school Perri went to was a community high school, close to Inkopolis Square. There, the rules were far less strict, and far more free, letting Perri discover herself more. First thing she wanted to do was participate in Turf Wars, however, Perri's parents were very strict and prevented her to participate in that specific sport. During a Halloween party she went with her brother, Bermuda, he gifted Perri an anglerfish mask he wore after the party. With the mask, Perri decided to live off her extra time playing Turf War with her neighbor, Gar. As the years went on, her and Gar got more people to play turf war with, and now are a team. They were currently unnamed at this time, but they were a great team regardless.

Beef with Agents

As the first teamed formed, they began to play matches with each other competitively, and sooner or later came across their first and long-time rivals. They were the Koral Kidz, also known as the Agent team to the Squidbeak Splatoon. The beef started after learning that Omura, a former team member to the group, moved onto this team with no name. Although it started with more aggresive rivalry, it has grown to be more friendly over the years, however with the exception to the Final Splatfest.

Before Chaos v. Order

During times of festivals, to high school, to even with the team, Perri still needed to be home before she had been caught participating in Turf Wars in secret. Perri doesn't talk about this much, as to not worry about her friends, but talks about it a lot with Gar as her neighbor. As a cover-up, teachers would make excuses to her parents to comfort the fact that she was in school while Perri was doing something that her parents would not approve of. She spent quite a nice time during her junior year, but senior year was a time for her to be the most excited about, since a new Splatfest, and the final one hosting at Inkopolis Square; Chaos v. Order.

Chaos V. Order

Chaos vs. Order was a huge thing, and as for Perri, she was at a school field trip for the weekend at an out of prefacture, or so she was. Perri had stayed over at Omura's place during the Final Splatfest for the weekend, and her team was chosen to be a part of a tournament, planned to be live on television, while other casual teams were still doing their own thing, scoring points for the other teams. And as Perri's team was signing up, the Koral Kidz were also signing up. As tournaments go, it was in a round robin style, and Perri's team won by a landslide, while the Koral Kids went undefeated. The following day, Perri's team and the Koral Kidz would face off in Mc. Princess Diaries, the stage to declare their win. When one of the teams grabbed Pearl's Killer Wail, Perri's mask was flown off, revealing her identity. However, she still moved on, despite knowing that her face was on live television. With a final push from Perri's team, they ultimately won.

After Chaos v. Order

Perri returning home on Monday, her parents were aware of the live showing of the final match in the tournament, and although they were worried, Perri's mom was furious. She stated that Perri would no longer participate in school field trips for the rest of her high school experience, not even her senior year. Although it was a sacrifice she had to make, but it wasn't enough. Without Perri's knowledge, she was on strict watch on her school clubs she was in, going in full helicopter mode. She would have to ultimately get permission to leave the club, which wasn't done up until that day. It was harder to meet her team more than ever, since the three didn't attend her high school. The only time they'll get to meet was either by Gar getting permission from her parents or from sheer coincidence. Perri didn't like this, and talked about running away. Although the team wasn't comfortable with it, they were fine if they were going to be able to talk to Perri again. They plan to leave whenever she was ready, and needed to finish high school first.

Running to Splatsville

Although Perri and the group were scared, a group of trending squid kids were planning on moving over to a town far from Inkopolis. From their knowledge, it was called the Splatlands, and it was the perfect place to start a new leaf. Although Perri was almost done with senior year, the trending kids were already leaving. Hama took their leap of faith with Gar, and Omura waited for Perri to finish, so they could run to meet the other two. [WILL BE UPDATED SOON!]


  • Perri always joked about naming their team "Anglergang" to her team, but it didn't stick, but they were lowkey considering it!.
  • Most of her clothes are lend-me-downs from her family. The mask from her brother, the varisty jacket from her father when he was in high school, and the high-tops from her mother when she was in high school.
  • Perri had thought about running away ever since she got back from private elementary, but it only took her recently to really think about it and pursue it.
  • She's an all-around main, but her signature weapon are the Dapple Dualies.
  • Perri's Voice Claim


Gar [ Neighbor/Childhood Friend, Teammate ]

Gar was one of the first people on the team, and worked with Perri in creating this team. This ultimately does not land him the co-leader position, instead gave it to Omura. He works hard for monetary things for the team and cares a lot for them, acting like a big brother to them when Perri needed one the most during this time.

Omura [ Friend, Team Co-Leader ]

Perri met Omura in a friendly match of Turf War, and had challenged them multiple times, having incredible fun. Omura, at the time, was in the Koral Kidz, but didn't really fit in the team ever since Ocho came up to the team, making her extremely jealous. Once Perri recruited her to the team, she was met with her and Gar, and she would later recruit Hama, making her the co-leader.

Although she had spent more time with Perri, she only sees her as a friend. She isn't too infatuated as Omura is, Omura had taken her to places she thought she would never have an excuse to go to, and had a wondeful time in these places, and is extremely grateful to Omura.

Hama [ Friend, Teammate ]

Although Omura had recruited him first, Perri sees him as a friend because he's a teammate. She doesn't know too much about Hama herself, but would love to one day. She just know he was a former barisa before he moved to Splatlands, but it's unknown for her if he is still doing his barista job at Splatsville.

Shellon [ Mother ]

Perri's mother. She is not fond with her, as she is the more aggresive helicopter parent and acts on her actions because she wants to see Perri succeed, and that means she will never have time to do Turf Wars. Although she had shown multiple times she is capable to balance the two, Shellon refuses to let her participate, and that prompts her to leave the house to run away to Splatsville.

Earwyn [ Father ]

Perri's father. She is also not fond with him, but can tolerate him a little bit. He's a helicopter friend for the sake of her own safety, but not to the extent of tampering with their hobbies and activities like Shellon does. However, Perri felt incredibly absent in his life, solely because her mom was most prominent in the worst ways possible. Although Perri would love to know her father more, she would rather spend it with him alone than with her mother.

Bermuda [ Older Brother ]

Bermuda didn't spend time with Perri through her childhood, and when it was time for high school, Bermuda left to pursue college and major in video game design. There were moments where he would be in his sister's high school life, such as inviting her to a Halloween party during freshman year, to giving his full support to her activity in Turf War. Other than that, he had never been a prominent figure.

Nix [ Old Friend ]

An old friend of Perri when she was in private elementary, and responsible for kissing her without her consent. They have not spoken to each other since and Perri never plans to see him again.

Namma [ Old Bully ]

An old bully that decided to make fun of her for her interest in Turf War. She was never seen again once Perri was in 5th grade, and Perri plans to never see her again.