


2 years, 4 months ago







5'7 , 174cm


Barista, Turf War Player






Hama is a 19 year old octoling, former barista at Inkopolis, and recently hired barista at Splatlands. He's averagely 5'7, and plays as support for his team with the Aerospray PG. Unlike Perri, Hama is a very social person, but deems to be too shy to share his opinions to the world. He's very careful of what he says to people and is very much a people person.

Hama sees his teammates as one big fat old crush, and is poly. He wears it with pride with the pin of the flag on him! He would work as a coffee shop barista as a full time job, and is pulled from his job frequently to play turf war with friends. He's only okay with it because he's also the manager of said coffee shop after the previous manager left without a trace.









  • crepes
  • the old coffee shop
  • his teammates


  • octo valley
  • apple juice
  • spring; gets really bad allergies

Hama is an octoling with yellow eyes and styles a purple-cyan punk hairstyle. He wears the Conductor Cap, the Record Shop Look EP, and the Annaki Arachno Boots, as that is what he wears on and off shifts. He's gotten used to playing in his work uniform, so he's usually seen in it at all times in case his team drags him to play a couple of games.


Early Life

As every octoling story starts, Hama was born around the Octo Valley area, and was already deemed as useless across the board, and abandoned him in an unknown place. He was soon adopted by two octolings, and the two cared for him until he was at the ripe age of 14 the two parents throwing him out Octo Valley and into a prefacture near Inkopolis, where he needed to hide his identity and fend for himself. He would never forgive Octo Valley for how he was treated, and took shelter in an orphanage.

Orphanage Life

The orphanage was always filled with octolings and inklings of every background, and very rarely do they ever get picked up. Hama accepted this fate until he was 18, where he would work among the caretakers. He would make breakfast for the kids and learned how to make coffee and treats from the caretakers. He was always the first one up, so making coffee became force of habit. Once he had turned 17, one of the caretakers decide to adopt Hama, and take him in before the system kicked him out to the streets. He is very grateful for the caretaker, but very rarely do they ever talk when he returns home, and it's more or less an awkward roommate situation.

Getting the Job

Once Hama turned 18, he needed a place to work until he could live and fend for himself. While searching for a job, a sketchy person came up to him and offered a job at his coffee shop as a barista. He agreed, but only to be heard he had to go to Inkopolis for this job, and that would mean he would leave his apartment. He sacrificed his stay and made his way to Inkopolis. Upon entering, the sketchy person claimed he would have a place to stay, and in fact, did. Little did he know, he would only shortly disappear after hiring Hama. With no manager, he would work in this cafe alone, but along with some helping jellyfish, it was really only him.

Meeting Omura

One day during a heavy shift, Omura entered the cafe and became fast friends with Hama as time went on and instantly became a regular. The reason why they became fast friends was because Hama only knew Octarian, and Omura was bilingual, and nobody has ever spoke it in the cafe until Omura. After endless chats, Omura came to the idea to invite Hama to Perri's team. Although hesitant, he reluctantly agreed, but he would never know that he would be the last one to be paired up, and with people who didn't know his language. Omura helped Hama over the year to learn more about the Inkling language. Although not fluent just yet, he knows more than what he did before meeting Omura

Chaos v. Order and Splatsville

Although Hama was a support, he was grateful that he could participate in a huge event and won! When time came for Perri to announce that the team would be moving to Splatsville due to parental issues, he would ponder about this for about a month, and placed one of the jellyfish in charge for the cafe in Inkopolis. After that, he had run to the Splatlands with Gar, waiting for Omura and Perri to come with.


  • He is very vocal about his friends, however he's not so vocal when he tries to flirt.
  • He has cooking and drawing skills. His style is realistic with a pop in the recipe and the art.
  • He has one huge crush on all his teammates. Besides Gar, being a big flirt, he incredibly still enjoys his company with him too.
  • His main weapon is the Aerospray PG solely because he likes how it looks and how it inks.
  • Hama's Voice Claim


Omura [ Close Friend/Crush, Co-Leader ]

He is the reason why Omura became a co-leader, and that was he was recruited in the team by her. He is seen a lot with Omura, both as friends and as she is teaching the Inkling language to him. They're as close as communicating in the Octoling language to each other during personal situations, especially since he's more used to talking in the language.

Perri [ Friend/Crush, Leader ]

Although she sees Perri as more of an accquaintance than a friend, he hopes to know more about her as time goes on, especially when she eventually leaves to the Splatlands with Omura.

Gar [ Friend/Crush, Teammate ]

Gar and Hama have been bonding more ever since they moved into the Splatlands. Although waiting for Perri and Omura to come to Splatsville, Hama had developed a big crush for Gar. He does subside this from him, and had been living with Gar ever since they moved there.