pending's Comments

Hello! I'd love to toss an offer your way for this fella! (I know I sent a dm with an offer but figured I'd update it here with some new stuff!)

I've got some designs in my [trade/sale] folders I could offer (including anything with a $$$ value in the name)!
A few things of note according to your prefs list are as follows: two guest artist batch curios ([ONE] | [TWO]) and a [Helliots designed clareph]!

I can also offer something like a C-S MYO slot (400sg towards whatever species you'd like) and 100 shards (towards whatever items that fit in/under that amount)?
**I'm 100% aware the design would have to be designed & approved first before a trade can occur!**

Thanks so much for your time and consideration! Have a wonderful day/night! :]

hi!! first im so sorry i havent replied yet!! ;__; i opened it and then i got swamped at work and with life. i just want to say ill def consider your offer, i just probably wont have a reply for a few days. thank you for being so patient!

Aaah, not a problem at all - please take your time!!! <3
Just wanted to make sure everything in my offer was in one place! Apologies if it caused any confusion as well!

hi morgano! thanks for waiting on me. i would actually be down to trade for the celestial-seas slot/items! ofc since this would have to be designed first, i do have to be upfront that i am super busy this month, so it would likely take me a bit to actually design something x__x ofc id happily keep this as held for you in that time! if youd like to work out the specifics over discord dms that would work for me! (although, i may not get back to you right away as my wedding is this weekend lmfao so im. like a little ghost floating around atm. ANYWAY) if that sounds amenable to you let me know ^^

Totally understandable - I'd be more than happy to trade the C-S stuff! 

In terms of the time and whatnot, DON'T WORRY AT ALL <3
You're getting married and life stuff comes first! Mega congrats aaah, I know it was announced a few times via scatterstar stuff but it's a big deal!!! Hope you guys have an absolutely wonderful day!!! Sending all the good vibes kjnxkdbvjhxbv

I'll send a dm your way through discord just to get that situated/started, but obv feel free to let me know whenever you're ready; take your time! :]
In the meantime, have a wonderful rest of your day/night! <3