Annabel Pires



2 years, 4 months ago


Annabel1.pngName: Annabel Pires

Gender: Female (she/her)

Age: 20

D.o.B: 2093

Species: Mezvaraan

Ethnicity: San Juano (analogues to Brazilian)

Orientation: Lesbian, Comphet

Height: 5'5"

Likes: Cream cheese, light novels

Appearance: Annabel is a female Mez with short height and average stature. She has a short, brown hair fashioned into twintails, and orange eyes. Her skin is brown instead of average Mez's pale white skin color due to her San Juano ethnicity. Normal attire includes an average Imperial white shirt and green tight miniskirt and round glasses, with a black thick pantyhose and a pair of leather boots. Her combat attires is same as her regular uniform, with tactical harnesses of course and a radio pack for communication purpose.

Background: Warrant Oficer 1st Class Annabel Pires is a communication officer of the Imperial Army, assigned to Captain Jaene's personal squad. Annabel's performance is decent at best, she's rarely seen outside her personal comm pod. Annabel has (requited) love for her own commander, explaining why Jaene is so lax with her snarky attitude. Also working as Jaene's personal escape service for retreating from a battle.

🍊 Loves summer and orange smoothie.

🍊 Can ride bikes.

🍊 She's based on like four characters.