Marion Hanka



2 years, 4 months ago


Marion1.pngName: Marion Yneffer Hanka

Gender: Female (she/her)

Age: 25

D.o.B: 2087

Species: Mezvaraan

Ethnicity: Lowland Sinthastan (analogues to Ainu/Siberian/Inuit combo)

Orientation: Sapphic Bisexual

Height: 5'6"

Likes: Frogs, summer, tadpoles

Appearance: Marion is a female Mez with average height and well-endowed stature. She has a semi-long, black hair and slightly slanted eyes with bright blue sclera. Despite her average stature, Marion has well-maintained muscle mass as expected from a special force operator. Her combat gear includes black jumpsuit with specialized tac-rigs and black leather boots, a biker helmet for long-range recon mission and a gas mask for close combat and face concealment.

Background: 1st Lieutenant Marion Hanka is an operator working for the Imperial State Security and War Effort, a subdivision of the Grand Imperial Army. As a kid, Marion was once kidnapped and got locked by 'some mean guys in white longcoats' who did 'some things' on her, then was let go for unknown reason. She joined the army after she reached the proper recruitment age (16 year old), gradually rose to prominence to be a prime special force material. During her time in the regular Army branch she met Emily, and they begin their relationship and maintained their relationship in a good way.

🐸 Loves frogs.

🐸 Expert swimmer.

🐸 Is in love with Emily but doesn't mind boys.

🐸 Power bottom.