Lily ($10)'s Comments

Hi! Does the price in the name mean they are for sale? :)

She was for sale??😭

I know you just got her but if she ever goes UFO, could you please ping me?🥹🫶

Could I draw them by chance? 0: I can add it to their page when done!

Of course! I'd appreciate it sm ;w;

I absolutely adore them and can offer anyone in my folder!! If more than one catch your eye please let me know!!

oh my gosh im absolutely smitten by these two!! first and foremost, and

So I'd absolutely be willing to do one of them! Do you have a preference which? :0

definitely lean towards this one :> if thats good by you im happy to trade!

Sounds good!!! Sending your way now~

AWESOME thank you so so much! 

Hiya!! I really really liked this and this character, so of course I  have to ask,,, is there anyone on my profile that'd possibly interest you? Although I'm tent on the characters that are here (in mains), you're more than free to look at them!

Otherwise I have a couple characters here and here that you also can look at! 🫶

ohhh you have some very fun designs, but nothing i can see myself using unfortunately 🥺 thank you for the offer nonetheless!

That's more than okay!! Thank you for taking a look, either way 🫶