Lay (Deity!Lay)



Something has gone wrong in the universe, the Successor Son must now become the new Harbinger of Change

Nickname(s): Harbinger of Change
Species: Primum God
Pronouns: He/Him, though They/Them has become more then common
Sex/Gender: Male
Height: 782.4cm / 25'8"


Deity!Lay's Abilities

  • Shapeshifting; Being able to change his entire form to whatever he desires, Lay has found many uses of this power to return to more humanoid forms, or express his new godhood in different ways.
  • Matter Manipulation; Able to control all manners of matter down to the atom to his exact whim, this godly ability is only limited by how it can be creatively applied, something Lay still has to expand his understanding upon and around.
  • The Forge from Nothing; Grab the world below, and rise the scattered materials of the past. This power is taxing in every way imaginable, and taboo alongside the Primum Gods. Though through inexperience and determination, the new Harbinger of Change can command sand into ancient cities, and call bones and dust into life once more.
  • With his promotion to godhood, Lay has picked up the powers left behind by his father. However, this position has brought more negatives then positives, many of the court he once held apathy towards now seek to please him at every turn, something he wish he really didn't.
  • The scar upon his chest was created as he tried to understand an ancient and impossibly powerful Runestone Catalyst. Despite a divine intellect, he triggered the destructive blast that vapourised almost everything around it past himself.
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