Bruce (Pre-Death)'s Literatures

3 months, 7 days ago
3 months, 6 days ago
2 2235

Maybe slightly out of character(?) trying to get back into writing x.x

Takes place in 1964 when they're both 18 and seniors in high school.

1 year, 1 month ago


- General 1970s assholery via someone who fucked people over and then whines about it (cough cough Ramone)

- Bruce accusing Ramone of Infidelity (no infidelity happened FYI)

- Alcohol mentions (a character misunderstands and thinks Ramone drank all the beer in the tour bus himself. he did not.)

- Swears/Harsh language

if you think they are being too harsh to Ramone remember he sold his and his friend's lives away to a really shitty record label, screwed over the love of his life, and became obsessed with fame & money, it's the 1970s so the phone was.. really important for long-distance communication. he didn't even write! and then he complained to his friends who were shoved into the situation he created himself that HE was cracking under the pressure. 

Excerpt from an RP. The plot is that Ramone spent the night drinking with a random person who seemed to see right through his egotistical nature and was even able to get him to come out (as gay) and talk about his lover. He has a lot of thoughts about this, and this is the aftermath of that night wherein he calls his lover, Bruce Quinn, who is back home is Mystery Kentucky. This takes place on the Hot Catch world tour in December 1973.