


2 years, 4 months ago


Regina Nevan

Grandmaster ✧ Night Legion


The sun goes down, I feel the light betray me Papercut // Linkin Park

Namesake Changed it for uniqueness

Alias Nebula (deadname)

Age Middle aged at death

Allegiance Night Legion

Residence Night Legion Alcazar

Soulbound Yes, Royal Night

Gender Female


Alignment Lawful Neutral

Hatching Place Night Legion Alcazar

Backstory »

Regina Nevan was a generally unremarkable grandmaster of the Night Legion. She did little to build on the accomplishments of her predecessors, instead focusing on a distorted idea of upkeeping the legion. She worked to resolve many non-problems that affected the few instead of addressing the needs of the many. Her conclave consisted of trusted individuals who bolstered her own views. She placed into important positions those she liked instead of those who were qualified. The Regina had the tendency to push off things she didn't want to deal with until they became major issues. Despite the ultimate uselessness of her reign, there was little ill will among the masses - at least, not enough to call for change.

The things that did come about from Nevan's reign were often the corrupt pet projects of her clavigers which she easily endorsed without convincing or question. If relationships with the Regina ever got prickly, it was commonplace for the offender to randomly 'disappear' without a trace. Those who operated directly under Nevan knew when to act subservient, but the reality was that she was their puppet.

Regina Nevan never had a mate, but she did have a single heir in Battalia. While she cared for a few seasons, the Regina considered her daughter to be little more than a formality and was largely absent throughout her dragonethood. This didn't stop the young Battalia from attempting to win her love, which was often met with cold rejection or misunderstanding.

The cycle before her death, Nevan's behavior suddenly changed drastically. Those around her saw their leader decompose into a panicked mess over the course of that cycle, though nobody would speak of it later or ever dare to suggest she knew she was going to die. For the first time in her life she saw her reality with clarity - and then it was all over. At dawn, a Sky Legion raid attacked the Night Alcazar and killed Regina Nevan. The event largely remains a mystery, and the legion was careful to cover up any details of weakness. She was mourned, but hardly missed.

Relationships »



Nevan always saw Battalia as a child with much to learn from her mother and her environment. Paradoxically, Nevan was a very hands-off mother, leaving Battalia with various aides as she tended to her duties.

Claviger Guy

Master of Puppets

That same bad nut as before

Extras »



Design Elements

Crown - As grandmaster, Nevan wore two pieces of matching jewelry forged in traditional Night Legion fashion. The crown intentionally made her expression hard to read. It was found on her body upon death with all enchantments stripped from it. It is currently on display in the Alcazar.

Wings - Nevan has the Night gene for markings on the underside of her wings that turn silver when exposed to moonlight.