Night Legion

At a Glance

The Night Legion is the least respected member of the realm. Surviving a rocky past wrought with abuse of power, these dragons are seen as shifty, crude, and, in many cases, simply inferior. Only recently has its leadership managed to stabilize the legion, and it has since experienced its most prosperous aeon.



Universal Physical Characteristics - Straight horns, two rows of overlapping scales along body, shorter tails, black wings

Possible Genetics - Wings with small photosensitive patches on the underside that gleam silver when exposed to moonlight (82%)

Coloration - Dark, muted colors, usually in the warm spectrum. Grayscale is possible but quite rare (8%)

Nomenclature - Words relating to darkness, resilience, or rugged nouns

Soul of Night - Foresight, but only applicable to decisions and choices the legionnaire understands; its complexity and limited scope makes the power rarely used

Dragons of the Night Legion are adapted for life in darkness. Prioritizing stealth and cleverness, these dragons take advantage of their simpler features to strike in the night without leaving a trace.


In recent aeons, the Night Legion has been structured as an oligarchy with decision power being ultimately centralized to the grandmaster. A council of roughly twenty individuals, known as the Conclave, works closely with the grandmaster to help them make decisions, simultaniously acting as a senate and as a court. These clavigers are appointed by the grandmaster, though, typically, they must first gain significant public presence. Clavigers each have informal roles, such as oversight of a particular district, and their replacements usually take up the same roles.

The Night Legion's [City] presence consists of the archmaster and a separate, smaller conclave that answers to the archmaster. In contrast to the greater legion, they has kept firm control of Night [City], thanks in part to the considerable separation of the ruling factions.

Enforcement is left in the talons of the Executrix, a self-sustaining group that polices the legion.

Current Leadership


Grandmaster - Aridity

Archmaster - Scythe



Notable Figures

Legion Identity

Most Night Legionnaires don't get the opportunity to interact with greater society. Thus, their identity becomes less analagous with the legion as a whole, instead internalising their surrounding social environment.

For those fortunate enough to live and work in the reigning district or in [City], it is no secret that other legions look down upon them, but the Night Legion leverages this underdog status by silently [flexing] its strengths.

I can't word today lmao why am I writing.

Societal Structure

Throughout its history, the Night Legion has been plagued with poor leadership and corrupt regimes. Many grandmasters were power-hungry tyrants who cared little for stitching together the broken society they ruled. This long period of dysfunction caused a number of unfortunate effects, including abundant poverty, the dilution of Night soulbound power, and the lack of a legionwide identity.

There is remarkably little social organization here. Most Night Legionnaires fly solo, doing little more than simply surviving. Settlements are rarely occupied by more than one or two families. Those who are better off are not above preying on the less fortunate. In recent aeons, measures have been taken to protect and enhance wellfare in addition to encouraging the creation of communities, but it took many more aeons of disparity and depravity to get to this point.

The informally recognized Night Slums district features the most well known center of Night Legion society. Populated by the poor, crooks, and exiles from other regions, it is a dog eat dog life in the Slums. Compared to the controlled environment of [City], the lack of policing in the Slums has created a notably free society where anyone can do anything, so long as they are capable of it. One needs to be strong to survive the Slums, but one who is powerful, truly or artificially, who understands the system and how to play it, can thrive.

Geography and Districts

Situated between the mountains of the Sky Legion and the trees of the Forest Legion, the Region of Night is a mishmash of hills, rocky plains, deciduous forests, and tropical swamps, boasting a warm and muggy climate. Some areas are more habitable than others, but many prefer the isolation of the unforgiving territory.

Aside from the reigning district, there is virtually no organization among Night Legion society. Many times before a grandmaster would attempt to draw district lines and force legionnaires to form communities, but these efforts have all failed and led to further fragmentation. In recent times the regime has been rather hands off on this issue, allowing more natural boundaries to expose themselves.

The reigning district is much smaller than the other legions', and is almost entirely contained within a single massive structure known as the Night Alcazar. The Alcazar is its own self-sustaining city, providing for the needs of its inhabitants while also personifying the regime's oppressive and resilient nature, simultaniously being a symbol of strength and of fear.

The largest population center in the Night Legion is an impoverished, crime-ridden district known informally as the Night Slums. A result of the legion's turbulent past, its inhabitants experience the worst living conditions in the realm. The Slums are an area of desolate land encircling the outer border of the Region of Night. The long, hard journey from this area to [City] prevents most from migrating to a potentially better life.

Fighting Force

Joining the Night Legion's regiments is one of the most stable choices of lifestyle available. In stark contrast to the perceived weakness of the greater legion, the Night Legion boats a powerful fighting force that can hold its own against the more organized legions.

The legion's primary offensive tactic is mystery; they strike silently in the night, either finishing the job without a trace or wreaking havoc at a magnitude other legions are poorly equipped to defend against.

The Night Legion is only ever targeted for its territory or in political response. Attackers are often surprised to find they have sorely underestimated the tenacity of the legion's defense. Raids on the Alcazar are rather common, but are typically repelled with ease thanks to the enchantments on the edifice.

NOTE TO SELF: Add a thing about legion identity