


6 years, 7 months ago


Theme song: only happy when it rains

Name: Riddles 

Real Name: Greige Habbel 

Age: 286+ 

Species: Imp 

Gender: Androgynous 

Height: 3’5” 

Sexuality: Asexual

Occupation:  Familiar 

Abilities: can turn into a Ferret

Relationship(s):Kiddie Grieve (Current Master),


                          Mortis (friend) 

Quirks: cynical, has a very sour view of the world. Tends to point out the bad in every situation. 

           Gets pains in their tail when it rains. Eats only Pistachio pudding and 

           Drinks only Green tea. Scared of Dogs. 

Likes: green, green tea, pistachio pudding, bad news, discussing world problems(and how they will get worse), 

            making fun of Kiddie, giving bad advice, Rock or Sad music. 

Dislikes: overly happy or positive people, Dogs, Tail pain, random acts of kindness(gets suspicious),

             Pop music, Being Summoned or ordered about, children 


Riddles has always been a familiar, it was more or less a family business. Though it is one they’d rather not be in. It started back when their father was summoned by the Grieve family, 

signing a contract binding him and his descendants to their family. Their father still works for Kiddies Grandmother, 

While they work for them. 

Their relationship with the younger Grieve is decent, though Riddles makes sure to tease her at every opportunity. The young witch is the only one to know their real name, thus giving her power over them. 

Though Kiddie is pretty lax about dishing out orders. Riddles is more or less her assistant. 

Letting the imp do as they please most of the time. 

Riddles has a mild friendship with one Mortis, an undead Dragon. He has basically the same fate as them so they bonded over that fact. Though Mortis is more optimistic then Riddles. 

Optimistic in the fact that they see the world in a slightly better light. Riddles is a hardcore pessimist. 

If there is a silver lining, they blacken it.