Kiddie Grieve



6 years, 7 months ago



Quittin Kind 


Name: Kiddie Grieve 

Age: 18+ 

Species: human(witch) 

Gender: Female 

Height: 5’6”

Sexuality: Ace

Occupation: Alchemist 

Abilities: small spells, potion making 

Relationship(s):Wok (friend), 




Quirks: pessimistic, usually in a tired mood, doesn’t like going out, 

           prefers making potions to talking to people, has pain in 

           her back from slouching and leaning over cauldrons. 

Likes: making potions, cooking, reading dark romance novels(guilty pleasure), 

         skirts/dresses, sweaters, leggings/tights, stripes, hot tea/coffee, 

          Listening to her Gran, baths, Soup and sandwiches, boots or flats. 

Dislikes: going to town/the forest, Riddles constant teasing, pants/shorts, 

              Dogs, people messing with her potions/cooking, ignorant humans, 

              pastel colors, greasy hair 


 Kiddie comes from a long line of witches who specialize in Alchemy. Though she spent most of her younger adolescent years in the city of Kards, 

one of the major human cities on Shields. Living with her birth parents til she was 8.The reason she went to her Grans was always iffy with her. It had a lot to do with her parents fighting. 

Then one day they told her she’d be staying with her estranged Grandmother.Oddly enough though, Kiddie really didn’t mind being sent off. She’d gotten tired of her parents fighting herself, 

true she was only 8 but she figured her Gran’s might be better in the long run.

 While living with her Gran she was taught the family craft. Learning why she sometimes did things she couldn’t rationally explain. 

All the odd things made sense now that her gran explained she was a witch. She learned small spells, though was never too good at spell crafting.

 It bothered her for a while til her gran explained that their family specialized in making potions. 

She was introduced to her Familiar when she was 13, part of the right of passage in the family. Kiddie is the only one to know Riddles real name. This gives her power over the small Imp, 

though Kiddie rarely uses it. Riddles usually just helps her with her potions or obtaining things she can’t get herself. 

At 16 Kiddie was given the task of entering the woods(which were off limits to humans).her task was to keep the peace between the towns people and the denizens of the forest. 

In her first trip, she met a many eyed elf, Wok, who showed her to the undercity beneath the wood. 

Wok has been one of her closet friends since that day, though the elf does drive her crazy.