June Evergreen



2 years, 4 months ago



Name Juniper Evergreen Called June
Age 18 Gender Female
Origin Acornville Species Cat
Role Music student Descriptor Underestimated
Quality Ambivert Theme Feathers & Gasoline - Smith & Thell

Originally from the small town of Acornville, June Evergreen moved to the city of Valencia to get a new start. Her mother and father called her a failure for abandoning the role they had wanted for her - to be a housewife of some do-nothing farmer. Her brothers never paid any attention to her unless they wanted something. She expected everything to be perfect in her new home, but little did she know it would be a rollercoaster of highs and lows. From new friends to terrible enemies, June must learn how to make her way in an unfamiliar place where anything is possible.








June is not the most charismatic person. She is often overlooked and invisible, and the attention she does get tends to be negative. Her style of clothing is not flashy and she tries to blend in as much as possible. She tends to keep to herself and doesn't care what others are feeling emotionally due to her upbringing. Her empathy rises drastically when she becomes close with someone. She was always known to be smart in her schooling years and her teachers were often impressed with her skills. Her parents couldn't care less. For this reason she is inclredibly disciplined, and when she sets a goal she will achieve it no matter what it takes.


  • The color purple
  • The city
  • Quiet, secluded areas
  • Spring flowers


  • Housework
  • Sports
  • Water
  • Cold weather











June was by far the best musician in Acornville. She packs a punch among the ranks of the music students at Valencia University, but she is not the top student anymore. Still, her playing impresses those around her, gaining her some prestige in that regard.


June would often go out to the wheat fields surrounding her home with a canvas and a paintbrush to unwind and be alone. She is completely self-taught as art was not offered in Acornville. Her art is nothing too dazzling and needs some work when it comes to perspective and is done exclusively as a hobby.


June is an extremely good runner. She can run quite quickly at a consistent pace for an extended period of time. This is again a way she would often escape her home - going for long runs in the evening was a good coping mechanism.


Although she values good communication, June often finds herself bottling up her emotions and thoughts as to not upset others. This is because she never shared anything with her family because they would ridicule her about everything.


Juniper Evergreen, or as she prefers to be called, June, grew up in the small farming town of Acornville in the continent's southeast. Her family consists of her mother, Eden, her father, Brad, had her brother Rye two years before her, and her younger brother Timothy five years after her. They lived in a small house with little room to be apart from each other. June got her own room, but Rye and Timothy had to share the room next to hers. This led to many sleepless nights because they were up late with no punishment from her parents. Her father was a farmer, and her mother a housewife. They expected June to follow in their footsteps - either be a farmer or be a housewife. Any other life path was looked down upon. Any hopes and dreams other than their own were squandered. Rye complied, becoming a farmer like his father, but June refused. She had aspirations to move to Valencia. Whenever she brought it up, her mother would get upset and yell at her to stop thinking unrealistically. June spent a lot of her childhood and teenage years out of the house, going for runs or painting the landscape around her. When she finally was old enough to get a job, she saved up for a plane ticket to Valencia and auditioned for the music program there. Her band teacher encouraged her love of music and the trumpet.


June never had a huge number of friends in her early childhood. Often other kids would make fun of her for her size and lack of strength. She was not good at running when she was small due to her size, and was bad at gym class. This made her an outcast because everyone in Acornville, including her parents, worshipped sport. June would have much preferred hiding in a quiet corner of the library reading a fantasy book. Her favorite class was English class for that reason. Being in an imaginary world was a much needed escape from reality. June did have one friend, another cat named Harry. He was queit like her, and they would often sit together at recess just to read in silence and talk about their favorite books.

Eventually, Harry and his family moved away. June was left to attend the rest of middle school alone, with no other friends. June adapted to this quickly as she was always comfortable being alone. It was easier than being with family. She did long for a true friend though, and Harry was the only one who treated her that way. For the rest of middle school June did her best to keep to herself to avoid angering others. She found her love of music during these years when she got her first iPod for Christmas and she joined the school's very small band on the trumpet for the first time. She felt as though she had a home there.

High School

This same love of music got her through high school. June was the star trumpet player of Acornville, a title she took very seriously but nobody else seemed to aknowledge. Her parents rarely attended her concerts, favoring taking care of her younger brother instead. She was continually pestered by her mother to quit band and join a sport, which June refused to do. Eventually, her mother forced her to join the volleyball team or else she would withdraw her from band herself. June reluctantly agreed to this ultimatum, which unfortunately put her in the line of fire of the other volleyball players. June was never good at sports other than running, so playing volleyball was a struggle. Her team, a squad of big cats, constantly teased her for her size and never welcomed her as one of their own. June was forced to continue playing volleyball until she graduated.

The end of high school couldn't come soon enough for June. The only one she would miss was Mr. Fowler, her band teacher who encouraged her to follow her fire no matter where life took her. He saw the intense passion behind June's meek appearance moreso than anyone else. June was excited to leave Acornville, but also secretly she was terrified. For the first time, she would have nobody to look up to. She would never admit it, but her older brother's dedication to his career path always inspired June. He always felt at home in Acornville, something June didn't understand. She wished more than anything that she could also feel at home, but she knew she couldn't. She had to leave.



Rex Wildwind

[ Crush ]

June is head over heels for the handsome golden tom, Rex. She's absolutely terrified about it, full of anxiety from being this emotionally vulnerable for the first time. He is her most often doodled friend.


Lina Moon

[ Best Friend ]

Lina's spunky energy and wonderful bubbly personality clashes slightly with June's reserved, quiet nature. Their differing personalities complement each other well. They are also roomates.


Ivy Fallowfaun

[ Roommate ]

Ivy is June's soft spoken second roommate. Over time, June learns that Ivy's perceptive personality and under-the-radar demeanour allows her to be an incredible addition to June's set of friends.

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