Rex Wildwind



2 years, 4 months ago



Name Rex Wildwind Called Rex
Age 18 Gender Male
Origin Valencia Species Cat
Role Drama student Quality Extrovert
Descriptor Enthusiastic Theme Animal - Zayde Wølf

Rex has lived in Valencia his whole life. He has always been one with the city - quick to the draw, spontaneous, and outspoken to a fault. He absoluetly loves cars and plans to own a Tesla one day. He grew up alongside his younger sister in a relatively small downtown apartment. They were inseperable - his parents on the other hand were not so dear. They did not understand his sister's anxiety at all, so Rex had to become her parental figure. Now in univeristy, Rex lives in the dorms but visits home often to catch up with his sister. He has developed a certain fondness for his new friends at university, and he takes his newfound independence seriously. If anyone were to get in his or his friends' way, he would do anything to protect them.








Rex is loud and outspoken by nature. He seems to not posess the ability to understand embarrassment or shame, and he lives as himself constantly. This can have the effect on some of getting on their nerves, making most look away in second hand embarrassment. Rex is not phased by this. He tends to talk about himself a lot, rarely relating enough with someone that he is able to get on their level. It is a sort of defense mechanism for him. He was never book smart, rather his intellignece manifested in anything theatre - technical aspects to acting itself. His grades were never great except for in drama class. This is because he did not care enough to make an effort in things he knew he wouldn't need in his future. He is known by most as a joker, always trying to lighten the mood with a joke. He has a hidden soft spot for June.


  • Cars
  • Technology and computers
  • Warm weather
  • The city


  • Snow
  • Wide open spaces
  • Bugs
  • Math










Theatre Technician

Rex knows all there is to know about the tech involved in putting together a drama show. He is most often found in the box tinkering with lights and sound systems in preparation for the next big show.


To say Rex is a good actor is somewhat of a false statement. He prefers to be only a backup - someone used only when the original actor was not available. His teachers say he lets his own personality outshine that of the character's.


If anyone is in need of a Distraction, Rex has the ability to make himself the center of attention in record time. Whether he means to or not, it is one of his most prevalent skills.


From his various outings to Valencia University as a child, he picked up on the best hiding places. His mind almost scans for them automatically. He is a master of locations nobody else knows about.


Rex is by far one of the most outspoken individuals in all of Valencia. He does not hesitate to speak his mind, even at the detriment of his own reputation. He will stand up for those he believes need it and has no problems talking until the sun sets. He is also very prone to hyperfixating and talking about it to anyone who will listen, and those who don't really want to either. He's not all rough around the edges though. He cares deeply about those important to him, especially his younger sister and his newfound crush, June. He'd do anything to keep them safe, even if it means putting himself in harm's way.


Rex grew up in the outskirts of Valencia's downtown in a neighborhood called Quicksilver's End. He never had much for material belongings growing up, as his parents weren't the most well off. Alice, Rex's younger sister, came along when he was five years old. From the day she was born, Rex felt protective of her. She has anxiety and often experiences horrible panic attacks, making it hard for her to leave the house. Rex made it his mission to get her outside whenever possible, finding secret and secluded areas for them to sit and play. His parents never came to any of their school performances, but that didn't stop Rex and Alice from participating in their school's plays at any opportunity.

Rex's affinity for technology started when he was young. Ember, his best friend growing up, gifted him a small battery powered robot for Christmas one year. His parents couldn't afford fancy toys like that, so it was the first of its kind for Rex. He played with it for hours on end. When the opportunity presented itself in fifth grade for Rex to go into the sound room of his new middle school, the young cat was hooked. He hung out in there with the lighting crew whenever he had a drama class. He was lucky his school had one. For all of the things his parents were cheap about, school was not one of them. Rex always had an appreciation for the tech he was able to use at a young age that made him the talented stage tech that he is today.

High School

Much like his elementary school and middle school, Rex's high school was one of the best in all of Valencia. At Golden Lark High, Rex and Ember encountered their first taste of the petty cliques a large school could offer. Rex learned how to hide, how to avoid, and how to be unseen. Even with his bright yellow fur, he became a master of sneaking around the three storey behemoth of a school. He mostly stuck to the drama room, stage, and tech rooms, but he did have other classes as well. Rather quickly, he learned of the posse of domestic dogs that ruled the halls of the school. He did his best to stay away from their drama and was largely successful.

Rex's hidden persona didn't allow for much socializing. He didn't go to many parties except for a few organized by the other drama kids, but as a tech, he wasn't included in the same way as the actors and actresses. Much to Rex's relative shock, these parties made him jealous. As teenagers do, most had a lot of 'firsts' at these parties. His crush at the time, a pretty cream colored tabby named Olivia, turned him down at the last party before they graduated. It wasn't much more than a spark, but it hurt Rex's confidence for a while. He decided after that point to focus on his academics and tech duties rather than go to parties. He confided in Ember some of this disappointment, which his friend understood. Ember took it upon himself to host board game nights twice a month, which is where Rex made some of his closest friends and he regained his sociable side, gaining confidence back every time. Selena, Raven, and Pietro were constant faces he could rely on for good laughs and good times.



June Evergreen

[ Crush ]

From his first encounter with June, Rex knew he'd never forget her. As they grow closer in the first few weeks of university, Rex needs to learn how to navigate this new vulnerable feeling.


Ember Calder

[ Childhood friend ]

Ember and Rex went to school together as children. While Ember is a couple years older than Rex, they stayed close when Ember graduated high school. Ember often invites Rex over to hang out and play games together.


Bolt Hawksclaw

[ Roommate ]

Bolt is Rex's mysterious roommate. While June and everyone else close to Rex sees him as evil, Rex sees someone who lashes out due to the pain he's needed to endure. Rex makes effort to try to understand this standoffish brute.

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