Cymbeline Paigelynn



6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Cymbeline Molly Paigelynn

Other names:

Cymbel, Belline, Belle






Mobian Foxfeline(Half fox, Half cat)


Elemental Magic

Species Ability:

Water manipulation/power Type

Theme song:

Bratz - I won't Stop / Sword Art Online ED2 - "Overfly" (ENGLISH ver AmaLee)

Cup size:

B cup


(Quick note, she and all my character live in an AU where I've done a lot of world building outside the Sonic game canon)

General Bio:

Cymbeline is Megan's younger sister, and is a bright young girl who can hardly stand still, even during training.  She adored and looked up to her older sister, leading to her dyeing the light blue tip of her tail white like Megan's.

Her ability is oddly enough different from her sister, which is strange since they're both Foxfelines, she can control water, as in moving it around in the air like a water bender and can breathe underwater as a result. Her water ability went great with Megan's natural ice skills, and they often trained together when Megan was still around.

After Megan disappeared without a word or trace, Cymbeline was the one heading the search parties alongside her mother. They searched for days, days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and when a full year passed with no progress on finding Megan, almost everyone gave up on finding her.

Except for Cymbeline and her mother. They used their magic to scry for her, but due to her having the Eighth Chaos Emerald and clearly having cast a spell to conceal her from such spells, all they saw were blurs of colors. They often saw Megan's light blue and dark brown with a black and red blur, though they hadn't the faintest clue who it was with her.

One day, three and a half years after, Cymbeline finally had enough of waiting around and having finished her training, she told her mother she was going after Megan before packing her bags and setting out for the land beyond her quaint little hometown, vowing she would return with either news of Megan or better yet-

Megan herself.

She got caught up in the end of the Black Arms mess, having witnessed the Black Comet come down to earth and was paralyzed along with the citizens she was trying to help run to safety. She also saw the Hedgehog and his companion teleport it back into space before destroying it, but she couldn't get a good look at the two due being unable to move and couldn't catch them before they left, which she shrugged off and left the city to continue her search.

Cymbeline still retains her friendly and optimistic mannerisms, and she's quite a ball to talk to, as she loves making jokes or awing people with her water ability. She's quite bouncy on her feet a lot of the time, but she's no Sonic, knowing when to be still and calm. She also often acts as a mediator between people, often calming people who were about to come to blows, though she also has quite the temper at times which has also gotten her into a fair amount of fights. She was born a redhead and certainly still is one at heart.

She's only ever met Sonic once and that was because he full on SLAMMED INTO HER while she was traveling to the next city, as an apology he offered to give her a lift to said city, which she accepted. 

She's never met any of his friends except Amy and Cream who helped her pick out an outfit when she outgrew her old clothes and the three ended up exchanging numbers, and she's never even seen Shadow except on TV or video clips from when he saved the world years ago.

So she has no idea Megan is traveling with him and has been for a while. Cymbeline is eventually joined by Sonic's younger brother Manic, who was happy to help her find her sister. He also encouraged her to learn how to sing, as it was a passion of hers she couldn't pursue before, and soon she was pretty talented with her voice.

She and Manic soon got a tip from Ophelia that Megan was traveling with Shadow who said the two at one of the charities Ophelia was performing for, and that sent the two into overdrive to track them down.

When she eventually finds Megan, she's overjoyed at first, only to realize Megan had changed a lot in the years she was gone. She could hardly believe that the mobian in front of her was her sister, she had changed so much in the years apart, just like Cymbeline herself.

After listening to Megan's explanation of why she left, she understood why, but asked why didn't she say anything about Rika? I mean, shouldn't have the siblings and their mother fought off Rika instead of Megan going on the run? When Megan tearfully told her she didn't want Cymbeline or their mother to get hurt, Cymbeline final cracked and embraced Megan tightly while starting to cry herself.

Instead of dragging Megan back, she instead went home herself with Manic and explained to the community what happened, they could hardly believe it, her mother was taken back, but with Rika disappearing soon after Megan, it was easily accepted and the community swore that if Rika returned for whatever reason she would pay for her actions.

Soon after Cymbeline left town again, as she had honed her singing skills while she was away for two years, deciding to become a traveling singer with Manic by her side, and the two are looking for a guitarist and a keyboard player to form their own band.

Magic and physical skills blurb:

Aside from being able to control water like a water bender, she has a Kukri blade that was passed down to her, it once belonged to her ancestor Asuna. She is quite skilled with it and fought off more than one monster or bad guy with it.