


6 years, 5 months ago





NAME: Sheru


SEX: Male

D.O.B: 29-Feb-2400

HEIGHT: Unknown

WEIGHT: Unknown



Sheru plays an antagonistic character in the story, to create conflict and complicate the relationships between other characters living on the mountain. Sheru’s introduction and continued presence also allows us to discover the histories of Azkook and Súileabhán.

Spending his entire life and upbringing in an illegal lab surrounded by scientists, Sheru has never experienced any close personal relationships with anybody, despite the special treatment he received. Because of this, is very meticulous in where he places his loyalty to others, and gaining his trust is immensely difficult.

Sheru is very hard-headed and takes pride in his perception; stubborn to stick to his opinions. Since Sheru places so much value on his decisiveness, he finds it hard to recognise any developing issues, choosing to ignore these signs in favour of maintaining his ideals/certainty.

Otherwise, Sheru is not a hugely fussy child, however he’s very finicky about fabrics. He prefers to wear dresses and skirts as opposed to trousers, as he hates the constrictive feeling of fabric wrapped around his limbs. He also favours the flexibility that skirts offer. Sheru also has a tendency to walk on all fours in addition to walking on two legs, alternating between the two as and when he fancies.

Sheru’s species live an estimated 120 years, having the ability to slow or temporarily halt their aging for around 20-30 years. Sheru is predicted to possibly fall short of his species’ typical age cap, as hybrids are recognised to display shorter life spans. Sheru has a tail with a snake-like head that behaves as if it were conscious, however it has no brain and simply mirrors reflections of Sheru’s feelings. Sheru cannot control the tail himself or think for it, but he can see what it sees through its eyes.


Sheru is insolent and cocky, finding joy in winding others up and testing their patience. He doesn’t care if the attention is negative, only that teasing people into fits of anger is more fun than being nice. Sheru is very persistent in always speaking his mind, and doesn’t care how his comments come across, instead preferring to be as scornful as possible.

He doesn’t hold any respect for those around him; holding a genuine belief that everyone else is an idiot and he treats them accordingly. Sheru is very good at angering those around him, but has a hard time knowing when he’s taking things too far, which can lead to him putting himself in danger. However Sheru will usually use these kinds of reactions as fuel for his bullying in the future, failing to learn from these experiences.

Others find it difficult to call him out properly for his behavior, as even though Sheru is a huge bully, he’s still a child, so people usually just try to keep their distance to avoid his goading.


Sheru was created in a laboratory for one of Baz’s older projects, with Sheru being the successful result of that research. The project was focused on combining the dna of manticores and chimeras to create a stronger bio-weapon hybrid that could be used to create an advantage during the war, and a stepping-stone towards the gene manipulation of rare hybrids, however soon after the success of the project, it was deemed obsolete as the war had ended before Sheru could reach an appropriate age. Sheru [MCH-CL1509] was one of many clones, but he was the only one that survived his development with minimal anomalous mutations that were deemed fatal for many attempts prior to him.

Even with Sheru being the outright successful result of the project, he reached complications later on in his upbringing. Sheru inherited a species trait which allows his body to temporarily delay or slow growth and aging, which is typically triggered at the peak of a chimera’s development around mid-twenties. Nevertheless this ability was triggered early as an anomaly in Sheru around the age of 7, presumably due to his environment of being surrounded by children, or simply as an unforeseen anomaly related to being lab-grown. This ultimately deemed the previously successful project a failure, in turn with the end of the war in the following years. Sheru was then kept as a personal trophy by Baz, being excused from any further experimentation. Because of this status he held, he would be allowed to wander wherever he wanted around the building, usually accompanied by Baz.


Talk about your character's personality here. Nunc enim libero, fringilla nec tellus in, rhoncus feugiat nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer feugiat lorem et dapibus volutpat. Pellentesque at malesuada tortor. Ut pharetra est convallis ex tristique suscipit semper vel justo. Nulla eu arcu quis urna consectetur finibus pharetra ac magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in pellentesque felis. Vivamus maximus pulvinar risus, non maximus enim accumsan sed.

Sed tempus arcu sit amet metus fringilla, ac sollicitudin lorem congue. Morbi egestas accumsan bibendum. Nunc dignissim, libero aliquam convallis dignissim, nibh purus ultrices tortor, eget consequat neque est a nisl. Vivamus blandit augue nulla, id vulputate orci varius quis. Duis malesuada sapien lacus, ac tincidunt sapien condimentum id. Sed lobortis arcu quis ex suscipit, eu varius neque sagittis. Maecenas facilisis dui et placerat ultricies. Morbi egestas venenatis lectus, a tincidunt arcu volutpat nec. Morbi ultricies scelerisque nulla dapibus consectetur. Sed aliquet risus iaculis, hendrerit neque eget, elementum nunc. Donec interdum tellus pulvinar tempor commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel mauris in leo convallis vehicula ut vitae dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse suscipit, nisi ac varius maximus, sem dui imperdiet urna, non volutpat erat nunc nec massa. Cras eu tempor sapien.


Primary Caregiver

Azkook is Sheru’s current primary caregiver, following the rescue of Súil and Sheru’s impromptu abandonment by Baz. Sheru and Azkook have history in the lab together, they weren’t close, but Azkook was an easy run-in for Sheru back in the day. Sheru originally attempted to pursue Azkook in his plan to escape from the laboratory, but was forced to abandon the chase following the explosion of the laboratory, instead retreating to prioritize finding Baz. They found themselves reunited after Súil’s abduction.



Talk about the characters' relationship here. Nunc enim libero, fringilla nec tellus in, rhoncus feugiat nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer feugiat lorem et dapibus volutpat. Pellentesque at malesuada tortor. Ut pharetra est convallis ex tristique suscipit semper vel justo. Nulla eu arcu quis urna consectetur finibus pharetra ac magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in pellentesque felis.



Talk about the characters' relationship here. Nunc enim libero, fringilla nec tellus in, rhoncus feugiat nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer feugiat lorem et dapibus volutpat. Pellentesque at malesuada tortor. Ut pharetra est convallis ex tristique suscipit semper vel justo. Nulla eu arcu quis urna consectetur finibus pharetra ac magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in pellentesque felis.

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