✸ Max ✸



2 years, 3 months ago


PUP - Totally Fine

"Jesus christ this place is a freakshow I respect literally none of you people"

Name: Maximillian Alexander Abel
Nicknames: Maxwell, Maxi-pad, Maxine
Age: 25
Gender: Schrodinger's Cis Boy (he/him)
Race: Caucasian
Orientation: What are you, a cop?
Relationship status: Nope.
Occupation: Full Time Dickwad

"Whereas the Death card is usually the card people are terrified of, out of all of the cards in the deck, The Tower is the one you really need to brace yourself for. [x]"


The original thing I wrote for him a while back last year was "snide, quick with comebacks, and clever." but I think, while he still is all these things (+ a jackass) he's just really tired right now. He's been taking it chill. Lately earned the title of "Bog Wizard". His personality is better demonstrated than described. He likes to poke fun and he doesn't like people trying to shove their life story on him. He's big on nicknames, mostly because his memory's shit and he doesn't care for regular names.

Max means a lot to me. He's not even a character at this point, he's just a guy I know. I'm working to give him and his story the most I can.


  • Shitty shirts
  • That painting of satan eating his son
  • Hamburger meat
  • Exposition
  • Backstories
  • Fish

  • He can play piano very good, but mostly uses it for tom cardy type diddies.
  • He also knows how to play guitar.
  • He's insanely unhygenic. his teeth have smeared lipstick and bug legs stuck in them
  • His hair isnt actually blonde, he dyed it. He's originally a brunette.
  • Can't smell or taste anything
  • Keeps a few journals to help with his memory
  • Used to keep a picture of a woman in his coat pocket. He doesn't remember the person in the picture.
  • Originally based off of Bill Cipher
Design Notes

  • Big Nose
  • Grave shaped ears
  • Sharp Jaw
  • Earrings not optional
  • Brown Eyebrows
  • Hair spikes almost always in same place
  • He has a minor case of Pectus Excavatum

Max has holes in his hands and feet, jesus style. he's usually wearing gloves because of this and sometimes has a hard time grabbing things or continuously keeping his grip strength level.

Max's outfits aren't confined to one set of clothing like most of my other ocs -- he has a wide range of outfits, but prefers dad fashion and tacky button-ups paired with khakis. He tends to wear a lot of red. He used to wear suits, so they're definetly still in his wardrobe, but he finds them stupid now.

This isn't Max's only design, as he has three sort of appearances he goes through, the one in the pictures used being the main one I use. The other two are ascension boy and goo man (as seen in tabs.).



This information's not for sale, buddy.


Really, you expect a guy to tell you all about him before you meet him? I mean, come on, take me out to dinner first.


I'm joking. But no, really. go somewhere else if you want backstory.


The Author "Kid"

OUT OF STORY: I like to think we're friends!

IN STORY: Max doesn't understand The Author. Why does he want to help him. What's his end goal. They're....accomplices? It's a complicated and odd familial relationship between creation and creator. No comment.


Fenrir "Dog"


IN STORY: Max finds Fenrir to be nothing more than a nuisance. As one of the only other people who can see fenrir(eventually), he's usually in the peripheral of the wolf's endeavors. However, the wolf's cheap scare tactics don't affect Max, leaving Fenrir virtually powerless against him. Max doesn't care about this either way.

"it's a dog."

Annabeth "Smarty/Smart Stuff"

IN STORY: Due to max's memory problems, along with things from multiple timelines and places mushing together in his memory, his relationship to most of the story's characters, but especially Annabeth and E.V.E, is one that is extremely muddled for him. One of a familial nature, possibly?? It's hard for him to recall, but he knows she's trustworthy. Rather than reject and ridicule the unknown, she makes attempts to accept and understand it, which he respects.

"I should probably keep an eye on this one. definetly."

E.V.E "Robot"

IN STORY: Max isn't sure what to think about E.V.E. She reminds him of something. Himself, maybe? He can't entirely tell. He knows that they're similar. He's also definetly not sure to think about her being the cause of his (second?) death. It's almost as if they're drawn to each other. He doesn't like that idea. He also knows she's the strongest of the main bunch, which he's wary of.

"I like how poorly built it is."

Jack Fear "Dummy/Dumbass"

IN STORY: Max doesn't really care about Jack. He hasn't been involved with him in a long time, and even then those were half-baked ideas. He views fear as what he comes off as - an idiot. Max can't see past the idiocy to the kind and patient center, and he has no idea how Jack hasn't died yet. Then again, not his problem. Most likely out of the main cast that he'd stand around and shoot the shit with, though. he finds Jack amusing sometimes.

"Why are you here."

Dee "Kid"


"That's a child. Not many thoughts on this. Go color with crayons or something. Where are your parents. Also, you seem really deeply sad. That makes me uncomfortable. I'm not a therapist."

Sam "Purple"

IN STORY: Originally the person that woke him up from his (second?) death, Sam now functions as some sort of weird henchman/volunteer helper to Max. He doesn't like that, he's not a charity that needs handouts or anything. But she stuck around, so there's not much more to do about it. He stole her boots. They look better on him anyways, in his personal opinion.

"....Didn't there used to be two of you? where'd the other one go?"

THE THREE FATES "The dipshits three"

IN STORY: The nickname says it all. Out of all of Max's memories of the main crew, those of The Three Fates are the most consistent in that they are constantly trying to kill him, in any timeline possible. They're harder to deal with when split up, suprisingly.

"Oh, great. No, yeah, I love getting hunted. awesome."