✸Jack Fear✸



2 years, 4 months ago


Jack Fear Eporum
human (immortal by conditioning)

WIP vvv

Freaking Out

"Technically my two passions are music and baking. And getting picked up at bars by women. But I have to make do with what I have."

Name: Jack Fear Eporum
Nickname: Jackie, Jacks
Age: 23
Gender: Cis Man (he/him)
Race: Latino
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship status: single
Occupation: Musician

Jack is a very easygoing person, which is very ironic, considering his middle name. He seems to have a lot of love for the people around him. He really just wants everything to turn out okay. He's also very creative-- he LOVES music.


Jack is best described as the perfect junction between easygoing and unbothered. He Loves goofing off, but knows when it's time to cut the crap and be serious. That being said, a lot of serious topics and conversations are some of the only things that cause him stress. Not only because of the weight that they carry, but because people both talk over him and refuse to take him seriously due to his relaxed demeanor. As a result of all of that, he's started taking himself less seriously as well. He's unsure if his opinion really matters. He'll speak up when he feels REALLY strongly about something, but otherwise keeps his mouth shut on topics that matter. He's usually more open with his sister.

Jack is very talkative and friendly. He loves to make new friends and help others when he can. His trusting nature doesn't always turn out the best for him, but he always tries for the best outcome with everyone he meets.


  • Music
  • Baking
  • Chilliiiingggg
  • Magic
  • Meaningless competitions
  • That one level in mario sunshine that he just cannot fucking beat. he has tried everything

  • Due to his magic being both weaker and unstable, Jack tends to rely more on practical skills. If he absolutely has to use magic, he'd prefer using it with some sort of actual physical object as a conduit.
  • He keeps track of all of his friend's interests. He knows who likes what at what time. But he's usually very forgetful beyond that and usually needs to ask questions repeatedly to remember things.
  • Jack tries his best to make room for others, to the point where there's not that much room for himself. This can sometimes end up hurting him, but his sister tends to balance him out.
  • He's got ADHD.
Design Notes

  • He keeps his hair back with a black hairband
  • Oval shaped ears with ear pieircings
  • Slutty turtleneck croptop
  • Big, flat nose
  • Has vitiligo, like his sister.

Jack usually wears gold and vibrant, flashy colors. There's usually accents of blue, purple, green, and red in there as well! definetly one of the better dressed people of Sun City. He's not really someone who boasts, but if he did it'd no doubt be about his appearance.


Pre Story

Jack was a resistance fighter alongside his sister, clashing against an ancient regime of dictators trying to rid the world of magic and science and instead replace it with a heirarchy of corrupt social status. One of the resistance's weakest fighters but always looked to for morale and support, which he gave back in kind. Not that he remembers any of that.


Jack is now a musician in Star City. He works on songs and his own personal projects in the safety of a house co-owned between him and his sister. There's not much to do, until, fascinatingly, a robot goes haywire and rampages through the city, starting a string of nonsensical anomalies that scare Jack. However, his sister really wants to investigate them, and they may put the town in danger, so it's in his best interest to help his fellow man and get to the bottom of this, even if he doubts he'll really be of any help. Said robotic rampage leaves a weird little girl in the care of Jack and his sister. He's mostly the one who takes care of the lil gal.


Annabeth Sister!

Annabeth is his sister, and he loves her quite a lot. He feels like he can be himself/stick up for himself around her, at least more than he can around other people. However, he does notice the disconnect between them reguarding their personal hobbies. She'll listen to him yap about music, sure, but she won't really absorb it. He wants to maybe find a way to relate their two interests together so that she's not as bored talking to him... He's worried she views him as fragile.

EVE Friend!

Jack and Eve's relationship is hard to describe. It's definetly a friendly one. He actually seems to be closer to E.V.E than his sister is, which is probably due to his natural social skills. Eve learns a lot of "human mannerisms" from Jack, and he's happy to help her with human culture, something Annabeth doesn't help her with as she doesn't view it beneficial to her (or anyone, really.)

Dee The Kid!

Dee has basically fit into the niche of silly little niece to Jack. they just gel well together. The kid likes art, and he enjoys music- they're both generally really right brained people. The best way to describe their relationship would be adoptive cousins. Jack supports Dee as much as he can, and Dee draws little covers for his music which he loves.

Sam Friend!

While Annabeth identifies more with Sam's work, Jack is the one who appeals to her personality. He's more likely to hold non-technical conversations with her, and they love to goof around with each other. Sam also sometimes helps him with understanding his sister's work more, which he greatly appreciates. Overall? they're pretty solid buds. They trust each other a lot and are often each other's wing man. Jack, however, doesn't....entirely agree with her choice of other friends.

Max Guy.

It is, admittedly, very hard for Jack to hate anybody. That being said, Jack hates Max. He doesn't want to-- it's just some sort of deep set feeling he can't get rid of. Also, the guy is a total tool! NONE of his jokes are funny, he makes no effort to be nice at all, and- just- AUGH! HIS HAIR LOOKS REALLY STUPID! FINE, I SAID IT! WHO gels their hair like that? IT LOOKS RIDICULOUS. Pick a side to push your hair to. you're going in like all four directions, guy!