Lois Sifakis



6 years, 6 months ago



Having grown up in tough conditions, Lois is now determined to be on the grindset mindset. Perfection is obtainable if you work hard enough, as well as suppress and hide everything about yourself. But tough shells often cover up insecurities and weaknesses, that foster when left unaddressed. Whether social status alone will truly make him content is a question he'd rather avoid asking


BirthdayDecember 24th - Capricorn
Life typeAntra, Greek American
GenderHe/him (complicated)
LikesOrganizing things to organize his thoughts, calligraphy, fitness/swimming, healthy diets and sushi. He also secretly likes ice cream, board games and crafting costumes, but won't talk about it


  Serious, focused and reliable (or at least wants people to think so). Strives to be a practical, no-nonsense person, though shoots himself in the foot more often. Hard-working and driven, he doesn't have Gwen's smarts to succeed the way he'd want to, but has a lot of determination to get his foot in the door. That said, treads carefully with bragging so he doesn't overpromise

  Fashionable, classy, takes care of himself. Frugal, worries about cleanliness as a status symbol, wears things carefully and saves them for the right occasion. Very focused on his image and place in society

  Hides his problems, can't stand being embarrassed. Defensive, willing to lie, cheat and cover up to achieve his goals; often overcomplicates small things that don't actually matter and digs his own grave that way. When being criticized, can't cope and strikes back; scoffs, nitpicks and policies the tone in place of any legitimate arguments

  Has good social skills, strives to meet new people and leave positive first impressions. Doesn't mind assuming the leadership roles, likes feeling useful and competent. Loyal to people and values that he respects, though it might lead to conflicts with his image

  Has very high standards for himself and others. Meticulous, restless, overbearing and micromanaging, doesn't trust others to pull their weight. Can't stand people who ruin the perfect flow of his existence by being lazy, slow or forgetful. Taking control of his surroundings is the main way for him to feel in control of himself

  Very narrow-minded and repressed, often refusing to think about things that trouble him. In his eyes, dealing with emotions is weak and unproductive. Embarrassment is the worst thing, so he tries to only pick methods that have already worked, even if they weren't the most efficient

  Judgmental, jumps to assumptions. Petty and vengeful, remembers the favors, but also remembers every slight. Bad at communicating his annoyances, yet still has a hard time hiding his contempt even if he tries, which results in a lot of paggro behavior. Often struggles to empathize with others until the issue is explained to him directly 

  Cannot live in chaos, hates it when things don't go the expected way. Easily panics and overblows the problem. Doesn't necessarily lose of control of the situation, but does lose control of his emotions and can get very intense


Nadia Zhilina

Surprisingly good friends. Lois finds Nadia's unconditional acceptance kinda comforting, and appreciates her loyalty

Gwen Quiroga

Lois hates being teased, but feels no malice behind it, so he just rolls his eyes. They have more fun together than he lets himself show