Nadezhda Zhilina



6 years, 5 months ago



It's easy to write Nadia off as annoying, naive or air-headed, but her friends know her as a kind, passionate and creative person. Quirky dork or not, she's not afraid to welcome new people and ideas into her life with open arms, and finds joy in the smallest of things. Even her language barrier is barely a real barrier. However, it's true that just a tad bit more consistency wouldn't hurt her


BirthdayJune 5th - Gemini
Life typeAntra, Russian-Ukranian
GenderShe/her (cis girl), but also never really knew she could be anything else
LikesCollecting a bunch of stuff, writing fics, drawing fanart, cosplaying, roleplaying with friends. A big fan of cartoons, cute accessories, animals and funky robots


  Friendly, supportive, always welcoming and accepting. Her love and enthusiasm are contagious. Connects with people on a surprisingly deep level, even if she's seen as a bit annoying or cringe at first. Gravitates towards equally talented and unusual personalities that are usually overlooked by others due to their "weirdness"

  Selfless, generous. She loves exchanging gifts, and really appreciates it when someone goes out of their way to satisfy her specific tastes. She's a people pleaser, feeling deep empathy towards everyone and wanting to make people's lives brighter. However, not everyone reciprocates with the same care or gives back what she's giving them

  Sometimes reads too much into little things and jumps to the assumption that people don't like her, which upsets her. Can be secretly self-critical and doubtful when left with her own thoughts, so she strives to avoid such isolation and clings to anyone who gives her even a sliver of kindness, often to the point of looking needy and overbearing

  Easygoing, light-hearted, enjoys the little things in life. An open book, often overshares. Somewhat naive, overly optimistic and not very realistic, driven by emotions. Not impartial in the slightest, judges based on her feelings and relationships rather than objective truths

  Her initial endearment can also wear off quickly, then people's flaws start to become more obvious and come into conflict with her idealistic expectations. She easily falls in love, romantically or platonically, but real love needs to tolerate the ugly sides of life as well

  Imaginative, creative, curious, full of new ideas and surprises. She likes learning new things and mastering new skills. Enthusiastic and passionate about her and other people's interests. That also makes her restless, loud, talkative and nosy, which can be exhausting to some

  Inconsistent, unfocused, quickly jumps from one interest to another because all of them look so cool and fun. Messy, disorganized, struggles with deadlines, not super reliable. She's always eager to help and join other causes, which leads her to making too many promises she physically can't deliver. She's also not a fighter and would rather drop the issue entirely than work for it when it starts stressing her out 


Lois Sifakis

Surprisingly good friends. Nadia admires Lois for being stylish, determined and well-organized, and is ready to follow his lead

Simon Hopcroft

Nadia immediately sees past his gruff interior and wants to be friends