


5'3 ft

Female (She/Her)




In a relationship
Love struck  Hopeless Romantic  Passionate

Amandine is one of heaven's cupids that helps two people who were meant ot fall in love find each other.

She tries her best in her job but cant help it if she makes a mistake or two.


name of artist

  • Ritru, GF (,,>w<,,)
  • Sugar drinks!
  • Berries and berry flavoured items.
  • Clothes
  • Bitter things
  • Most other Angels
  • Lust demons
  • Couples breaking up.




  • Amandine was an old character from a valentines short comic i never got to make :)
  • Amandine really likes sweet and sugary drinks :000, especially strawberry or bluberry flavoured drinks!
  • Cherubs are one of hte lowest classes of angels, not being given responsibilities because of this, they have the most chillest attitude out of all the angel classes
  • Amandine has a lot of rivalry with Asmodeus as all cupids have.

  • If giving her new clothes, her vibes are very bubbly and cheery.
  • heart hairpin not optional
  • Feel free to stylize her wings in anyway that you want ^^
General Information

Being on te lowest possible teir of the angelic heirarchy, Amandine and the other upids actually feel a little disconnected from all the happenings of Heaven. However, they do not feel like they have the need to realy address that as theyre content with doing their own thing. Cupids live their long long lives by being more involved with the human society and in turn, beng more connected to them as they find themselves intertwined in their personal lives.

Meeting a Nephilim

It was supposed to be another regular old job for her, setting up a random human with another one in the town. Little did amandine know that the person she almost hit was a Nephilimn namd Ritru.

She tries to apologize and make good with Ritru and may have ended up also having feelings ofr her.


Adores her new girlfriend so much and thinks that shes the coolest person she ever met. Sometimes seh can just be a little controlling and can get pissed if things dont go her way when she wants ot be romantic wiht ritru.

Partridge Ridgewell

Only knew him a little during heaven, he never had interacted with the cherubs before save for one time. Though for that single time that they did interact, Amandine did get a feeling that he wished that he could just be a little bit more free than he is currently. She's glad that he's actually found a nice place for himself down here on earth.

Wow ...... I'm used to only seeng these kinds of things form afar, I never knew I could get into a relationship myself!Â