Noé (NiroNoe♥️)



2 years, 1 month ago


Gender Female
Orientation Bicurious
Birthday January 25
Star Sign Aquarius



Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual?
Birthday November 27
Star Sign Sagittarius



Height Difference
17 cm
177 cm
160 cm

Age Difference

Big spoon

Little spoon
Lends clothes

Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names

Uses pet names

Affection through words

Affection through actions
Confesses first

Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs

Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car

Can't drive
Can't cook

Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Has more relationship experience

Has no relationship experience
How they met

When these two met, Noé wishes she was at least a little more decent. Even with her torn and dirtied clothes down in the dungeon, Niro took an interest in her, opening up really quick and taking it as far as to compliment her just to see her blush. Some of them took a more suggestive turn, Noé found herself not really mind it at all.

Their Relationship

After interacting a few small times, Noé is very intrigued by the short man. Perhaps he saw that, as he begins to approach her and sneak her out for little escapades out in the village. Pretty fast, he’s already buying her gifts and physically attaching himself to her. It makes Noé embarrassed, but it leaves her with a feeling of wanting it to keep happening day by day.

While they kept sneaking out and lingering around each other, Niro was constantly mentioning his “services” along with suggestive comments. Noé was nowhere near experienced but she was curious, wanting to take up on his offer. Saying it to him threw him a little off guard, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t all for it. After the one night he shows her, she longs for more which starts to make their relationship more sexual for a while. It’s like a “friends with benefits” kind of thing, they act like normal around others but I’m sure it can seem a little like something is going on between them.

Unexpectedly and rather hard, Noé begins to strangely feel like she is falling for Niro. She’s scared to tell him, but with a few days and a night out to drink, Niro is spilling his surprisingly returned feelings for Noé.

How Noé Feels

When I first met him, perhaps I had eyes for him. Well, his looks to be exact. Though, I felt as if I was very much lacking on my end considering how I looked when I saw him… For some reason that didn’t stop him, and that’s when he became so intriguing to me. After some… escapades, it lead to something I didn’t think it would. Let’s just say, I’m rather glad it did, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

How Niro Feels

Ah, Mon Ange and I... You know, we have a fantastic professional relationship. I knew from when I met the lady that she would be the most efficient member of the new Guild, and I'm thrilled to work with her. And by that, I mean in either of my professions, might I add... Heh. She has a 'je ne sais quoi' about her that stands out.


  • Considering his height compared to Noé, Niro feels pure joy when he gets to be the big spoon when cuddling with his tall girlfriend.
  • While cuddling, Noé kinda curls up because she’s so tall and he finds it adorable.
  • Having not been able to dress in fancy clothes, she needs to ask Niro to tie up or zip up any clothing she wears. He enjoys it a lot.
  • They go drinking together a lot. Noé turns into almost a different person when she’s had one too many drinks, Niro gets quite the kick out of it.
  • As mean as she looks, Niro tends to find it extremely cute that she’ll slightly whine when he steps away from touching her.
  • Noé gives him a lot of candy when she wants something from him.
  • He brings her a lot of small items to show his appreciation to her. She enjoys it.
  • Noé’s surprisingly fairly decent at cooking, so she likes to try and feed Niro sometimes. He’s the same, and will make sure she eats since she tends to forget.
  • Noé really likes when Niro touches her hair or traces shapes in the freckles on her skin. On the other hand, she likes to touch around his wings or she’ll randomly squish his face.
  • Niro has a variety of nicknames and cheesy pick up lines for her. Her favorite is probably when he calls her Mon ange.
  • They don’t take fights all too well. If Noé is overwhelmed, she takes it out on him and he’ll act undisturbed and goes to do his own thing. Deep down he’s at least a little worried for her though.
  • Niro playfully teases her a lot for not having much experience, so she ends up embarrassed most of the time.
  • Their first date would be like a little picnic. There’s fruit, sandwiches, some alcoholics beverages, and of course desserts for the two of them.
  • Often, he’ll make her bend down to his height for a kiss and he thinks it’s the cutest thing ever. Other times, he honestly just settles for kissing her on the boob.
  • Of course i have nsfw prepared for these two

    • Niro is shocked when he learns Noé, looking the way she does, hasn’t ever had any sexual contact with another person. He is more than glad to change that for her, however.
    • He makes sure the atmosphere is just right and rather romantic feeling. I’m talking like candlelit room and rose petals on the bed type thing.
    • He was quick to learn what touches she likes, where her sensitive spots are, and what she’s most responsive to.
    • Niro is really excited to take the lead in something sexual for once, and it makes for a great time for the two of them.
    • Noé is rather quiet in bed, but Niro is always glad to change that and will have her screaming his name in no time. Her facial expressions and whimpers definitely SERVE.
    • These two really love to leave marks on each other, not really minding if it’s in a fairly visible spot.
    • Noé scratches up his back a lot. If she accidentally does it to his wings, she’ll be apologizing over and over.
    • His aftercare is somewhat sweet, he’ll clean for her and bring her a snack and some water.
    • He really likes having her nice long legs thrown over his shoulders so he can feel up on them as he’s thrusting.
    • Niro teaches Noé how to give him head, and man does he get blown away by how fast she learns. Literally blown away. Someone kill me for saying this.