


6 years, 7 months ago



Name Margaret Fanmari
Age 30
Gender Trans woman
Ethnicity Halfling + southeast asian


Charisma ★ ★ ★ ★
Kindness ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Integrity ★ ★ ★ ★
Caution ★ ★ ★ ★
Intelligence ★ ★ ★


Height 4'10"
Build Mostly lean muscle with a little fat; 150lbs
Eyes Dark brown
Skin Warm medium brown
Hair Dark brown; pixie cut


Maggie is a kindly lesbian huntress just trying to live life one step at a time. She lives in a small (previously) abandoned cabin two miles out from a city with her housemate Milagro and her cat Mirage, and spends her days hunting large game-- both for food and to sell to meat & pelt shops in the city. Maggie is extremely sociable and good-natured, but lives a mostly nomadic and/or secluded life. As such, she greatly values each opportunity she has to meet new people, and when she makes a deep connection with someone she experiences sadness that they probably won't be able to coexist with her lifestyle (Milagro has been the only exception to this up to this point). Her light-heartedness and her knack for storytelling make her popular among the merchants and working class of the city, but she doesn't get many opportunities to connect with others on a deep emotional level.

Maggie was raised in a commune by druid parents along with her 5 younger siblings, and as a result had to learn responsibility from a very young age. As the oldest sibling by 15 years, Maggie was expected to take on some of the burden of raising her siblings, the severity of which was somewhat offset by the help of other parents and kids her age in the community. Regardless, she didn't get to be as "wild and free" as she would have liked during her teen years, and even though her current life allows her a lot more freedom, she tends to fall back into routine easily. She thrives in flexible environments and tends to feel suffocated when swamped with the needs of other people.

Maggie greatly enjoys the company of her housemate and on-and-off girlfriend, Milagro. She adores the way Milagro can lose herself in her passion, and has always been able to see into her genuine desire to connect with others. Milagro doesn't demand anything of her, but offers her a place to come home to, something which provides Maggie a great deal of comfort and relief from the stresses she's relived throughout her life. She believes that her heart will always lie with Milagro, but does want her to make her grand momentous journey before settling down comes into play in their lives.


  • Bear meat
  • Cozy fires
  • Woods in the setting sun
  • Hunters' camaraderie
  • Milagro


  • Men calling her "little" or "sweet"
  • Having to skin her own game
  • Dry palms
  • The smell of plant rot
  • The taste of granola


  • Extroverted
  • Doesn't bore easily
  • Unendingly patient
  • Messy
  • Actually a little jaded


tumblr_inline_oyxmuhXwyU1t3w9ek_540.pngMilagro Derosa


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