
2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


£85.00 ($120.30)


Owner: WWolv
Name: Abraxis                                     Fallen God: Tracking
Bloodline: n/a
Species: Northern Panthrow
Gender: Male
Birth Date: February 8th
Parents: n/a
Cubs: Aethon, Joachem, Totia, Khnafarine

Stats: STR – 4 | RES – 3 | WIS – 1 | CHA – 7 | DEX – 5
Traits: Ears: R | Tails: C | Fangs: UC | Size: UC large | Eyes: UC
Mutations: n/a
Special Bases: n/a


Personality: Arrogant, possessive and apathetic. After his fall, he keeps his emotional level locked behind an uncaring facade. He's passive and will blatantly ignore those he doesn't feel are worth his time, rarely bothering to use force when there is literally no point. 

History: Serving directly beneath Deimos, Brax was often near the Masculine God on many trips. Learning at his side and getting his share of the spoils. He assisted mortals in offering tracking clues to the worthy, enjoying the lure of testing those who were observant and intelligent with puzzles and sometimes even made tracks easier to see for those who acknowledge him, not just Deimos. Brax was brash, dominant and somewhat clingy, liking to collect things; occasionally what others cast aside. He often collected females and really likes shiny things or expensive things. He began to keep a lot of the tribute meant for Diemos for himself, becoming greedy and believing he was an avatar of the Masculine God and deserved some recognition of his own. Brax also sometimes made tracking clues harder to see or even erased them entirely when he was ignored. He kept this a secret from the God for a surprisingly long time, but was eventually discovered by Diemos Himself and boy, did that not go well. Abraxis was just about killed and blown into smithereens by the offended rage of the War God before Maia intervened. The young demigod was not necessarily pleased when it only resulted in him being tossed out of the Veil, losing his status, abilities and much of his charisma - not to mention every spec of his collection.

Abraxis has wandered the planet for several decades, unwilling to stay in one place for long and doing his best to not collecting anything. He feels a little remorse for his actions yet refuses to speak of the Gods to anyone he meets. He is aware enough of just how real the Gods are, of course, so refrains from scoffing at the fairy tales the granthrows have come to believe or validating the true stories. Abraxis has a tendency to withdraw emotionally from others and come across as cold and uncaring, but the longer he traveled the earth, the more his heart yearned for something more.

The pan simply assumed it was the lure of collecting things again, but he didn't discover how wrong he was until he ran into a little runt of a kumpanni. She disliked him waltzing in and sleeping in her spot when it was winter and began insulting him in an attempt to get him to leave. Abraxis turned to look at his 'attacker' and scoffed that one so little could possibly move him, then blinked when she promptly started pelting him with pinecones, acorns and anything else she could get her grubby little paws on. The sudden movement caught her by surprise and she was tossed into a tree, knocking her senseless and the little kumpanni crumpled to the frost-coated ground, scattering her pinecone ammo everywhere. For a long moment, Brax just stared at the still form, but was unable to turn away when he realized something.

She was pregnant.

With an audible grumble, the panthrow scooped her up out of the snow and tucked her against his side so she wouldn't freeze to death through the night. The kumpanni was gone when he woke up and he figured that was the end of it. If she left just to die out there, that was hardly his fault. He had only been trying to find a place to stay warm himself. The next day, he found her hovering outside the little hollow he made for himself for the night and blinked, but instead of the previous haranguing, she remained silent. After a moment, the big pan scooted slightly and she dared to slip closer...closer, until she was crouched against his side and out of the cold. This continued through the rest of the winter and when spring began melting the frost around them, she left to give birth safetly with the rest of her family.

Two years later, he found her snuggled against his side where she remained the rest of her life, soothing the aching lonliness that had begun cutting into Abraxis' heart like icy shards. Her cubs had grown and moved on, leaving her more restless than she'd thought she would be and she'd struck out to find the annoying 'behemoth' who'd sat on her nest. The two traveled together from then on, her commenting on much of his actions and generally being a talkative pest, but he never lost his temper with her again.

Brax found Atachi after a particularly bad storm. He discovered the cave-in he'd heard the night before and found the granthera badly wounded, but trying fruitlessly to dig for her family. He pulled her away bodily and traveled for several miles before the granthera truly woke up to the situation of her family was gone. He dressed her wounds, caring for Atachi's body, not truly paying much mind to her scarred mental state until she slowly began to revive herself. The little kumpanni was a lot more empathic, of course and did her best to keep the thera from backsliding, distracting the female with silly games, stories and 'blackmail' she had on Abraxis. As a result, Atachi grew to know both of them, but always felt the need to find if any of her family had survived.

After a good few years, the trio wound up back in the area and reluctantly, the pan took her to the cave-in site. The pair tracked the now-years-old trail to where Bharani was living with a pair of twin males. Neither male was happy to be intruded on - assuming Abraxis was going to fight them off - which he did, but not for the reason they expected. Brax saw himself - his younger self - in both of them and recognized they only saw the munchkin thera as a trophy. The kumpanni tossed her best insults as the pair turned tail and ran off into the brush, making the pan crack a rare chuckle while Atachi consoled her daughter.

Age: 25
