


2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Jamie Xerxes


None currently






A little under 6 feet at (horse) shoulder


Roughly 1500 Lbs




Apples, Junk Food, Playing Guitar, Cars and Motorcycles


Smoking, Rain, Strict Schedules, Cold Weather


Jamie was initially raised in a very traditional family, out in nature in and expected to follow long-held customs that he...kinda felt bored by. Very free-spirited and 'unusual' from the get-go, rather than do his assigned chores, he'd run around and jump and just have a good ol' time. Not because he's intentionally disobedient, the lifestyle just didn't meld well with him. Eventually, he ran away from all of that as a young adult, running as far and fast as he could with no regard as to where he was going. Eventually ending up in a big city, he met a new friend rather quickly, who helped him gain citizenship, and the rest is pretty much history!

  • He is quite the inquisitive fellow, always very eager to explore the world around him and visit new places, try new things.
  • He's fairly shy, and gets easily flustered when someone new pays positive attention to him, gives him a compliment, etc. Very eager to please, yet a bit awkward at the same time. Extremely easy to flatter. 
  • Mostly prefers to snack on produce, but has a secret liking for 'people food' (This is how he refers to things that are less 'natural', like a donut or grilled sandwich.) He thinks things like that are very rad and cool😎
  • Once tried to smoke, simply because he thinks that's what cool people do. He hated it, though, so doesn't actually do so- once in a while he'll hold a cigarette and just stand around, though. Sometimes with sunglasses for extra cool points. 
  • Very good friends with Chance. The two are near inseparable when Chance isn't working, just being bros and hanging out, going to diners that Jamie is allowed in, trying to race one another, participating in ridiculous eating contests, etc. He really likes to run after Chance while he drives around in his favorite car
    • Jamie has a bit of a crush on Chance, but isn't fully aware of it. He just really admires him and purposely dresses a bit like him, wanting to do all the same things he does. He even went so far as to start learning guitar in case he needed someone to perform with him ❤️
  • He really, REALLY wants to ride a motorcycle or in a car. Obviously this isn't rational given his equine body type, but nonetheless he still has a dream of doing so someday. He'll occasionally try to get in someone's car to go for a ride, usually resulting in the vehicle becoming damaged, which he proceeds to feel awful about
  • Has a dagger he means to use for self defense, but he doesn't get into very many conflicts, mostly ending up using it to cut his apple snacks instead