


6 years, 7 months ago




designed by SuperColdSoda
Forever Homed

daioqal-b12f0c54-1be3-4568-9ec0-f2e87149 da4pdc6-fa0dfb57-426f-4fb3-88bd-fbea0526


NAME Wilfred Greystone

NICKNAMES Wil, Dadfred

AGE 30s





RACE ???

HEIGHT 5'10 ft | 177.8 cm

WEIGHT 180 lbs

Wilfred works as a bartender, doubling as a bodyguard to Stardust's headquarters located in the basement. He's serious but quick to annoy or anger. The employees are his priority, and he can be over-protective especially of his daughter, Oakley. He doesn't hesitate to fight his customers when they're being jerks or if they refuse to pay. Usually, he's the one to direct heists and missions and will charge into danger before letting any of his friends do it. He can be somewhat selfless, often lending a helping hand to those who will take it.


Wilfred is basically human, except he's got bunny ears and a feathery tail. The left side of his hair is longer than his right, so his hair would droop over his left eye if he didn't comb it. He's got a fancy watch he wears all the time, no one is allowed to touch it. It's not necessary to draw it but it is preferred. On the surface, his blood appears red but it's actually blue (scars become a dark blue). Yes, his pants are connected to his shoes I'm not taking any questions.


  • Has high alcohol tolerance
  • Good at fist fights
  • Knows how to act
  • Doesn't like killing but will do it for money


" Stop bleeding on my floor. "


200 Oakley
Oakley is his hyperactive daughter who he loves very much. Wilfred found her as a toddler and immediately took her under his care. Oakley is one of the few people that Wilfred will soften up to, and sometimes unintentionally spoils her. Unfortunately for Oakley, Wil can be over protective and doesn't agree with her with being part of the gang. He'll do anything to keep her safe and will let loose if his daughter is threatened.
200 Natalie
Being childhood friends, Natalie and Wilfred are close and open about their secrets. They can tell when something is bothering the other, despite their lack of emotions. They constantly support one another, and make a killer combination on heists. They dated at some point but quickly decided they were better off as friends.
200 Romba
Wilfred's pianist and friend. After Natalie, Romba is the next person Wil trusts the most. He often goes to him to rant about things, and Romba is always willing to listen. Wilfred lets him get away with murder, and Romba constantly takes advantage of it.
200 Dexter
Sometimes acts condescending towards Dex since he sees him repeating the same mistakes in his life. Wilfred has tried to help him get back on his feet, but it ended with Dex taking advantage of him. Wilfred doesn't really like Dex at first, but he grows on him over time. To teach Dex a lesson, Wilfred banned Dex from his bar and drags him out onto the street anytime he sees him there.
200 Seth
Good friends with Seth. They share mutual respect, and jokingly flirt with one another though it's usually Seth doing it. Wilfred sometimes gets hired to work at Seth's night club as a bartender and as a bonus gets to beat up any asshole customers. However, when Wilfred gets angry towards Dexter, Seth keeps him in check from going too far on the gremlin.
200 Ricky
Met Ricky when he worked as a hitman and they constantly competed against one another. They've been like oil and water ever since. They can hardly stand seeing eachother, constantly glaring at each other from across the room. They've gotten into many skirmishes before, but fortunately there's always been someone to separate them. Wilfred tries to ignore him but Ricky always manages to pester him off the edge.
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