


2 years, 4 months ago


timea has never had the luxury of being able to form his own opinion on the belief and existence of spirits. he's been plagued with an ability to interact with spirits since he was young, though he would not call it that. it didn't able him -- it disabled. the spirits would follow him constantly, whispering and wailing their woes to him in an effort to stave off the regret or lingering emotion of their lives. sometimes they are quiet for a while, allowing him to rest and feel a sense of normalcy, but these events are few and far between.

as for media, he stays away from it. the spirits invade all aspects of his life, and he prefers not to consume media related to something he can't get away from. he finds a lot of it bland and capitalizing on our fear of the unknown, which he distastes. he appreciates the genre, he recognizes its importance and (sometimes) quality, but... yeah. not something he is willing to engage in on a level beyond recognition. a lot of people who consume the genre and are aware of his... quirk, for lack of a better word, are envious, but he tries not to let it bother him. he thinks that maybe if he didn't have this (dis)ability, he would enjoy the spooky feel of horror like those around him.

most people would say he has an incredible gift, that he should use it, connect and communicate with these restless sprits -- but in truth, the simple answer is that he does not want to. he is tired, he is angry, he is desperate. desperate to be rid of the constant emotional turmoil that follows him, and yet he knows that he is plagued with this for life. he would consider himself cursed -- most of the time. every so often, a spirit will come along who is kind, to him and to the world around him; one who is simply content to stay within the living, experiencing life as they did once before. when these kinds of spirits do come along, they make him think that maybe this isn't such a curse after all. that maybe he could live content with this. sometimes it makes him want to try to help those spirits who are not so content, who are continuing to carry the weight of their lives. sometimes. and when those thoughts to come to him, he thinks that maybe he will, at some point. that maybe he doesn't have to let this plague him for much longer.

[nr] expression, eye shape

[c] hair, shorter tail, shorter fur

[uc] fewer scales, muzzle adjustment, ear shape change