McKenzie GELF



6 years, 6 months ago


Name: McKenzie 

Manufacturer: LiliumTec

Code: CA-CO-A-G3

Mental Age: 20

Original Purpose: Mckenzie was made for a Floral arrangement company to attract customers and to do the big orders such as wedding floral arrangements.

Current Job: Still works for the same company with her twin sister, mainly because interviews makes her have mini panic attacks.

Physical Description: McKenzie is about 3’4" and has a bit of a pear shape going on. The fur on her head is shoulder length that was made to mimic hair and is dyed blonde. McKenzie’s eyes are round and light blue in coloration. On her Right eye is this bright golden yellow star patch along with golden yellow freckles. She is mostly white in color with a sunny yellow covering her shoulders, back, and tail with Golden yellow spots mimicking her Twin's markings. McKenzie has floppy ears like an itanta with the same thing mimicking her pattern. Her tail is rather dog like and has a golden yellow dip on the tip. The fingers are golden yellow while her feet have no markings.

Clothing: Mckenzie’s clothing consists of a pair of green pants, green apron, and a white long sleeved turtle neck with the business logo on it that is usually hidden by the apron. McKenzie, like Lucy, doesn’t like wearing shoes at all and is often barefoot. She also has these piercings on her ears that mimic a corset piercing that helps pulling them back when she’s working. Both McKenzie and Lucy have this connectable Battenberg cake necklace charms back when they were at the lab before their dye job to tell them apart. McKenzie's Charm is Yellow on top and pink on bottom with a yellow rose on the back. This is how the twins got the nickname of 'The Battenberg Twins' both at the lab and at the Florist shop.

Other: McKenzie while she is identical to Lucy, is the more timid and easily frighten of the two. McKenzie likes to stay hidden at times and takes a lot of time for her to warm up to anyone to talk with them. McKenzie is fragile and very prone to crying if startled enough. Thus, she rarely ever talks to anyone other than her batch siblings. When she is interacting, she's rather blunt on some things but its not mean natured, often she's more meaning to help. Mckenzie is also pretty creative too and imaginative, making sock puppets on her spare time. Currently McKenzie is frighten by this really creepy looking GELF she calls Bek and will hide in her room if she comes up.

McKenzie's named after and her Theme song is "Eleanor Rigby" by The Beatles: