Geri Hwangong



6 years, 6 months ago


Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Birthday: ????
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: ??

Geri lives in California with her older sister Gigi, who she adores (and refers to as 'Sissy').

Geri is very openly sexual, and gets laid multiple times a week, she tries to encourage her internet friends to be more open about sex and themselves, but to no avail. She enjoys a lot of sports, mostly gymnastics and cycling (and skateboards sometimes too).

She nurses a crush on Hugo, which she will not admit to, as she feels like he is a complete idiot (and hates his use of memes). She bullies him a lot, and attempts to manipulate him, she can be incredibly cruel and inconsiderate (even though she believes shes doing the right thing).

She makes fun of her friends a lot, but cares for them deeply, she feels stupid for caring much about anything, and has developed a complex about feelings and emotions, and tries hard to be bitchy and cruel. She's only open about her love and affection for her older sister.