Tate Miller



6 years, 7 months ago


Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Birthday: ????
Orientation: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: ???

Tate lives in a council estate flat with his older brother Todd (who is somewhat of a guitar legend). He admire his brother a lot. Tate works part time at a factory, and carries heavy boxes (giving him muscles and a 'bara' build).

He talks like a complete chav, very casual, but is very considerate of other people (he is a 'gentle giant' kind of guy). He goes out of his way to make sure people are safe and comfortable, and calls out any of his friends bad behaviour(as gently as he can manage). He always gives people the benefit of the doubt, and always believe in second chances.

All his friends are in some way enamoured with him (he and Geri have known each other for a long while, and even had a 'thing' when they were 15). He's the only one who manages to casually chat to Vera without any sort of hostility.

He loves My Little Pony:FiM, he thinks it's a great show for children, and likes Rarity the best as she's so generous. He worries about the copious amount of adult content the shows fans produce, though.

He is very sentimental.