


2 years, 4 months ago


TETRIS - (They/He/She)
info - about
Nickname(s) Tet/Double T
Race/species Android
Birthday Feb 11
Orientation Panromantic
Likes Banter & a good time
Dislikes Boredom & a bad time

Tetris is a robotic assassin, made to hunt down and 'neutralize' threats. While Tetris is polite and willing to hear out pacifist ideas, they will stop at almost nothing till the mission is done.

Their occupation aside, Tetris likes to make sarcastic remarks and is obsessed with clever comebacks. They absolutely love watching drama unfold, and with a word or two of encouragement is likely to escalate it.

Break This The Breaking Point 2 (feat. schizoscriptures) - Vertigoaway
docx - story

Tetris understands that murder can't always just be 'stab them first'- Sometimes it requires diplomacy. He's polite to whoever he meets, though mentally ranks them depending on how useful they are to them. She wouldn't go out of her way to kill someone who's inconvinencing her, but if they're in the way Tet won't hesitate to take them down.

T is also rather sassy mouthed, finding the consequences of 'talking before you think' amusing. T acts overconfident and brash, though is thankfully modest enough to understand where their abilities lie. They love to banter and bite, having a mental folder spesifically dedicated to remembering catchphrazes and combebacks.

On the Job

Double-T is experienced and is known to be dramatic with their display. They prefer to use anything that fits within their 'aesthetic,' often going out of their way to 'end the show with a bang.' Often, said missions end with a bang litterally.

Info - trivia

Tetris has a mini-colection of weapons spesifically customized for her.

Tet's limbs can be swapped out for different arms, legs, or even fins or other apendages.

The spikes on the end of his tail rattle when shook, and are magnetic and removable. Tet's used them a couple times as makeshift weapons.

Tetris is cold to the touch like a refridgerator.

gallery - aesthetic
Gallery - design
Design trait Text
Design trait Text
Design trait Text

The screen can change to anything, but Tet prefers to keep it as their face. Whenever Tetris uses it to display something, anotations and notes are commonly written out in Courier New font.

Tet's limbs can be swapped out for different arms, legs, or even fins or other apendages.

There are eight 'spines' on Tetris's back, four on each side. These are purely for aesthetic purposes and can be removed. Same with the yellow back spines.

contacts - relationships
Nexus Arch Nemesis

Nexus and Tetris are arch nemesis, Nexus being made to help and Tetris being made to harm. Their creators are rivals as well, which adds to the tension. They both have generally oposite personalities, Nexus being much softer and patient while Tetris is impulsive and sarcastic.

name relationship

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name relationship

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name relationship

Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

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