


2 years, 4 months ago



Tampering Portal Thief


Name Hiraeth

Called Hir

Age Unknown

Gender Unknown

Race Demon

Occupation Hellion

Orientation Evil

Birthday Unknown

MBTI Unknown


Hiraeth is a portal demon, tampering with portals and teleportation to lead victims somewhere else. This 'somewhere else' is commonly either a trap or their domain, but they frequently teleport both others and themselves to random places for fun.


Hiraeth is very mischievous, and a bit sarcastic and impulsive. They're smart enough to know something is a bad idea, but dumb enough to do it anyways 'for shits and giggles.

Despite their cruel sense of humor, their low inteligince won't let them be much more than an anoyance luckily. So long nobody gives them any ideas...



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sit amet neque porta, vestibulum erat quis, finibus diam. Morbi id leo et felis mollis tristique. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean tempor, velit volutpat ultrices ultricies, enim leo blandit sapien, nec varius nisi eros quis est. Mauris aliquam tellus et diam laoreet, in faucibus erat cursus.

In ut libero iaculis, finibus urna pharetra, elementum ex. Integer a lobortis felis. Sed sed ante eu urna egestas ultrices nec eu quam. Sed ornare felis eu semper faucibus. Morbi congue ultrices felis, congue porttitor erat elementum sed.


Nulla id molestie ex, eu vulputate felis. Ut consequat facilisis vulputate. Etiam lectus sapien, placerat non tempor vel, elementum sed sem. In sit amet sem pellentesque, convallis sem eu, consequat risus. Nam ac consectetur leo. Cras non orci nec dui auctor ultricies eget vitae sapien.

Mauris sagittis dui nec metus vestibulum pulvinar. Aenean bibendum ultrices dolor vitae euismod. Nullam consequat, massa id tempus facilisis, erat est bibendum ante, sit amet auctor lacus ante in mauris. Donec eu orci in libero suscipit vestibulum. Nam ipsum ipsum, pretium at urna nec, aliquet semper mauris. Quisque volutpat mollis orci. Aenean sit amet porttitor orci. Nullam lobortis enim in laoreet ultrices. Donec vitae diam erat.




OC is Hiraeth's younger brother, and both occasionally go on 'prank sprees' and cause general chaos. Both enjoy stealing things and wreaking havoc, and generally get along well. Only difference is one is evil and the other is also evil but to a less degree.


Reoki and Hiraeth often work together to gather 'resources' or trade services. They typically share their loot or exchange, though are careful to make sure the other didn't sneak anything out.



Contract and Hiraeth are both very good friends, Con usually buying Hiraeth's service in exchange for gold or bartering for powerful artifacts. Hir steals some things or messses around sometimes but Con doesn't really care- They have enough money to fix it, anyways.


Nexus is one of Hiraeth's clueless victims, the robot often having to clean up the demon's mess. I wonder what they'll do once they find the culprit of all these mishaps...



  • While Hiraeth has brute strength and speed, they're a bit lacking in the skill department.
  • Hiraeth's weapons of choice are any blunt object nearby, this cool sword they found, and a pickaxe they bought off a skeleton merchant.
  • One of the few people Hiraeth won't steal from are merchants. Face the wrath of one, and you'll understand why.
  • They like to collect their own bounty papers, claiming that they 'look good in them.'
  • Donec facilisis lectus vel tincidunt dictum.