


6 years, 5 months ago


a cool gay demon 

he lies in the more suburban part of hell where most of the demons and hell beasts and soccer moms live

his body is kind of like an amalgamation of a lion, goat, serpent, and rat

as a mischief demon he tends to cause mayhem on occasion, although most of the time its indirect and just a side effect of being a beast from hell.  His main ''power'' is making people have mundane accidents, like tripping or dropping things, although he doesnt have control over who it effects (its more like a curse) Sleepyhead doesn't seem to be effected by this

met his monster bf Sleepy after being accidentally summoned

he can make himself really terrifying and powerful but he has no use for doing that outside of just scaring his friends as a prank

he hates working and having to take things seriously, overall he is a positive guy who isnt very self aware

he is allergic to churches and god

some people are intimidated by him but hes just goofy and a bit oblivious