


6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info






milfs, horrible outdated memes, edgy cartoons, porn, video games, soda, mud, cars, epic fail compilations, Martha Stewart, grossing out Eli




0PDtHpQ.pngouuu Eli's cousin

comes off as a douche and kinda is but can be helpful and compassionate

he's a typical rowdy teen in the body of a 6'2" man, does illegal car mods and paintjobs and """"restores"""" vintage cars, is in the process of becoming a mechanic but is pitifully bad at it (hes unaware of this fact), Eli cheers him on anyways because he's endearing. Very impulsive and stubborn, and a bit childish. naive and clueless. horny as FUCK.  he also wants to become a tattoo artist someday, which he also isnt good at...but he is trying...

he somehow manages to be smooth with the ladies, coming home with a new gf every other week. they never last though bc his sexy dude facade falls through quickly and they see him for his true manchild self after spending alone time with him although he has quite a few illegitimate children..lets just say he gets around he's a bit insecure when around others, especially crowds of people, he tries to compensate by being as loud as boisterous as possible in an attempt for people to think hes funny.  hes a himbo with 0 braincells is what im getting at

he is very passionate about his hobbies and doesn't take well to criticism. his main goal is to blow up and then act like he don't know nobody harharharhar

is a little gay but will never admit it even to himself, only person who really knows about it is Eli

listens exclusively to eminem

laughs at family guy unironically and goes on ifunny to post outdated memes

he is 20 but still in highschool because he flunked a few times, and with his grades it doesnt look like hes gonna graduate any time soon.  despite his age he acts more like a 14 year old than an adult, hes the kind of manchild to cry and yell at his mom when she tells him that he cant play video games (which happens on a weekly basis at his household)

secretly looks to Eli as some kind of role model, pretends he's more mature than him but is actually a bit intimidated by him.  Eli hangs out with him a lot, Rusty thinks its because he actually likes hanging with him but in reality his parents just make Eli come over to babysit him and keep him from riding dirtbikes off the roof

He lives in a mobile home in the middle of bumfuck nowhere

he still wears shit like this 


i HATE (love) him
