Hei-Ran (헤이란)



2 years, 4 months ago



Might be her new name. Gonna put Ae-Ri and Bon-Hwa as possible options but I’m kinda liking Heiran so far
Nawr I haven’t been vibing with her name for a while now. I’ve always regretted not taking her name seriously but I was reluctant to change it since I thought it was too late and people don’t seem to care about it. Now’s the time to do something about it (Gonna also change her Japanese name ew what is that)
Power: Shapeshifts (completely or partially) into an Orchid Mantis

Description: Dang-rang is an intelligent young woman and is an extremely skilled fighter too. She’s sarcastic, clever, straightforward, nonchalant, sly and mischievous. She can be cruel and unapologetic towards others which makes her seem like a merciless and evil person. She wasn’t always the way she is now though. She may not seem like a family person but Dang-rang is very protective of her sister and it doesn’t help that Yawaaika is so nice and docile to the point of becoming a pushover (which she always scolds her for). Most of the reason she trained so hard to perfect her combat abilities and shape her own personality to become cold and unfriendly is so she can try to scare away anyone or anything that she thinks will harm her sister and can more easily defend her. She can sometimes even be manipulative to Yawaaika which makes their relationship a little toxic. She does realize her mistake later on and apologizes. She becomes less malicious and is a lot nicer to everyone (she still maintains some of her old personality traits).

Age: 20

Height: 5’7”

Ethnicity: Half Japanese-Half Korean

-Japanese name: WIP

Languages: English, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese

Possible voice claim: Akali (League of Legends) Never played the game but I think K/DA is neat. I didn’t know Akali could be such a good fit kahskanszjsj


Younger twin sister: Yawaaika 柔愛花

Mom: Akehi 朱妃

Dad: Jeong-su 정수

Trivia/Fun facts



-Birthday: April 20 (Gonna keep this in as a joke but idk if I’ll end up changing it or keeping it after all)

-Love language: Acts of service (will she even have a love language??)

-Really good with chemicals and plans to become a Chemist in the future (She’ll actually become one when she’s 21)

-When in mantis form, she often hops on to Yawaaika’s apron pocket while going around

-She doesn't like/is intimidated by ants. Them being in colonies and working together to take even one of the most skilled insects down (and succeeding) gets her kinda jittery


1. Avatar: The last airbender

-Nobender + Chi blocker/Could be a Firebender but idk

1. Harry Potter


Headcanons from others

(2) Cat Woman (Harley Quinn TV Show) voice headcanon creepy

(33) Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender, Grey DeLisle) voice headcanon @Soleils

Red Tourmaline (Ascribe a stone to the character above) UltraOof


That one blackcherry seasalt taffy you can get if you visit New Hampshire or Washington (if she was edible) Sk8rot

Aggressively yelled at the worker for not putting enough salt on her fries and then shoved the unsalted fries at said worker (Why she got banned from Mcdonald’s) malachit3

Definitely the one athlete who beats everyone at their own game and gets lots of respect from the students and coaches alike! (What would the above OC be in a High School AU) @Riouki

▪She knows basic level karate

▪︎has eaten several types of flowers when she was young. In adulthood, she only eats them with salads or other meals but occasionally sneaks a raw leaf or two. Her fav was the Nasturtium. Some info below MeowMeow422
