Akehi 「朱妃」



1 year, 10 months ago



Last name WIP
Power: Shapeshifts (completely or partially) into a Red Widow Spider

Description: Being a condescending and assertive woman, Akehi is known for being intimidating both in demeanor, personality, and even appearance. While very attractive, she is also simultaneously considered scary-looking. Like her daughter Dang-rang, she’s mischievous, sarcastic, and sly (slightly sadistic too) though she’s not as cold and heartless. She can actually be friendly, sociable and quite witty too, but she’s not the nicest person to talk to. Akehi has a habit of unintentionally making unwanted remarks but she’s quick to realize them and apologize later on. She also loves to tease her family, but she does it more often to her husband and is fond of his bashful reactions. 

Age: 46 

Height: 5'11"

Ethnicity: Japanese

Languages: English, Japanese, Korean

Occupation: Fashion model (She‘s not a very ambitious person and doesn’t know why she even chose modeling. But she’s become really successful at it so 👍)


Husband: Jeong-su 정수

Daughters: Dang-rang 당랑

                    Yawaaika 柔愛花

Trivia/Fun facts



1. Avatar: The last airbender

-Nonbender? I could see her being a Firebender but idk

2. Harry Potter

-She could be a Slytherin but her lack of ambition (Unless I change this personality trait of hers, which I am considering) makes me think she could be better off in Gryffindor

Headcanons from others

(18) Lilith (The Owl House)/Jibril (No Game No Life, for Japanese voice) voice headcanon slimeapplez

Chews on those silicone stretchy stimy toys bc they feel good on her fangs lol Orisquirrelking

For Akehi and Jeong-su, it's simple, but Akehi-su just sounds so damn cute! Maybe Akehiong? I'm not too sure sorry. (Ship name) FourEyedNerd