Shane Broderick



2 years, 2 months ago



Name Shane Broderick

Gender Male

Age 19+

Birthplace Los Angeles, California

Height  5'6" (168 cm)

Build Average/Thin

Eyes Blue

Hair Blonde

Sign Pisces

Orientation Homosexual








HTML Pinky


  • Surfing
  • The Beach
  • Fast Food


  • Cold Weather
  • People Being Mean to Him
  • Working


Shane was raised by his mom, growing up with her and his older brother (who has since moved away), and never knew his dad. He lives right near the beach and has spent most of his life out there, developing a passion for surfing at around 8 years old when some of his friends introduced him to it. Though his family never had much money he was always happy with things just the way they are and couldn’t ask for more! (Though his mother did try to gently hint at him getting a job to help out, once he was old enough.) When he was drafted to be sent off to war in Vietnam he briefly thought about running away and hiding from it all, but in the end thought he’d be better off just sucking it up and going, as a few of his other friends already had.


Very sweet, friendly, and a little shy, Shane wishes he could be everyone's friend! But he thinks of himself as being silly and awkward (and he is, to an extent), always wondering if he's bothering people, and he winds up apologizing for nothing and seeking reassurance all too often. (Funnily enough, people are usually only bothered by him when he asks too many times if he’s bothering them.) He’s not the smartest guy in the world, is frivolous, and too naive and trusting (which is the reason he ended up in Vietnam in the first place, believing it was his was his duty to go because that’s what he was told…) Trying to show nothing but kindness to others, he hopes for and expects it in return, and his feeling are very easily hurt at anyone being rude/mean to him. (Even though he’s never very “mean” himself, he sure does pout and try to give people the cold shoulder when they’ve upset him.) When around anyone he has a crush on he’s 10X more awkward, and is bound to wind up making a fool of himself. For the most part he’s humble, the only thing he ever gets competitive or cocky about being surfing, but it’s the only thing he’s really good at, so let him have it. XD

He actually doesn’t have that typical slow, stoner “surfer dude voice”, but instead it’s more soft-spoken and maybe slightly effeminate, though he does use some of the slang from time to time. Pretty much he sounds closer to a Valley Girl than a Surfer Dude, lol. He tends to laugh too much when he’s nervous and sometimes stutters.


Hair: His hair is light blonde and doesn't really have a defined style, it's just a messy mop on his head. It's often wet, and he tends to slick it back when it is. (The Army shaves his head but he grows it back ASAP. :p)

Eyes: Blue (he'd like to think they're an ~ocean blue~) and bright, fairly wide

Build: Average, a little on the thin side, soft

Scars/Body Modifications/Other distinguishing features: His skin is always tanned, sometimes sunburned, and he has light freckles on his cheeks and shoulders. He has very defined tanlines under his shorts.

Clothing: Always wears either shorts or cutoff jeans, sometimes a wetsuit if it's especially cold. Doesn't even wear a shirt half the time, but when he does it's either a sleeveless shirt/tank top or Hawaiian shirt. (And it's a little TMI but he pretty much never wears underwear. Since he's in swimwear most of the time he doesn't think to put any on when he isn't, even under his Army uniform.) He has a sharktooth necklace which he usually wears as well, it has no special significance to him, he just bought it one day and thinks it looks cool.



  • He somehow manages to stay thin even though he eats nothing but burgers, fries, pizza and other junk/fast foods.
  • He has a good relationship with his mom, she is even aware of him being gay and supports him 100%!
  • He spends most of his life at the beach, and will often even sleep out there on a blanket, or in his buddy's van. He mostly only comes home when he's hungry and out of money or wants a change of clothes. XD
  • Up until going to Vietnam he had never been more than 100 miles or so from his hometown, he's never seen snow.
  • He has never held down a job for more than a few weeks or so, he doesn't like working and was always glad to be fired (either that or he just "quit" by never coming back.)
  • His surfboard was a birthday present from his older brother.
  • Drinks beer sometimes, when it's offered to him, and is a bit of a lightweight...