
6 years, 7 months ago


This character is unique because they both exist as a minor character in my webcomic concept AND also exists beyond it. Within the webcomic though Aixon is the Emgar's youngest child.

For character info Aixon is an visual artist that is a member of a monoculture species that isn't known for that skill. Because of this they tend to travel elsewhere often to find work. For personality Aixon is very energetic but not really a social butterfly in sense they love hanging out in small groups but hate big gatherings. They're the type of friend you would have that's occasionally a little bit awkward and says something mean or inappropriate be apologizes if you call them out rather than doubling down if that makes sense.

PS: Aixon's species doesn't really have the concept of gender so any pronouns are ok. I use singular they because it makes the fact they don't fall into our gender binary more obvious.