
7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info






145cm (4'09")


singular they (they/them/their)


Xenoromatic Xenosexual




Reading, working, sex


Violent conflict, exercise, heights


Wisdom, patience, approachability


Physical fitness, combat skills, speed (Emgar literally can only walk slowly)


Emgar's small amount of hair is not a result of their age or any illness. A ginaga's hair growth is usually determined by their genetic lineage. It's quite normal for certain individuals to be mostly if not completely bald from the moment they hatch.



Emgar like others of their species is a green skinned alien with white patches of skin. As they suffer of several bone deformities their neck appears unusually short, their chest very wide and they have a noticeable case of kyphosis. Another notable trait is their frills extend past the sides of their head and continue on the underside of their jaw making it appear as though they have a goatee. Emgar has only a few strands of hair on their head and cyan coloured eyes.

Their outfit includes a white top with a sky blue collar and cuffs and plain steel blue pants. Their shoes are white with steel blue straps and sky blue outsouls. Emgar almost always wears thick goggles with sky blue frames and cyan lenses and small sky blue stud earrings.


Emgar's life started quite normally. They did exceedingly well in their studies and were a very active child. Even though they excelled in the sciences Emgar wished to study to be a monk and spread a message of hope and peace to other species. Destiny had something else in mind as upon going through the metamorphosis all ginaga undergo to become adults they developed a somewhat rare but potentially deadly infection. Emgar survived but was left with several bone deformities. At the time the causes of this condition was not fully understood and as such Emgar was motivated to study epidemiology instead. Over decades not only would they uncover a means to vaccinate against that disease but many others as well.

Emgar eventually altered their career altogether. Basically a combination of different colleagues and having given birth to a special needs child made them see a greater importance in studying psychology. As the years went by Emgar gained a reputation for being particularly kind and gentle with even the most difficult patients. This would lead to them actually meeting their future partner.

During all this the ginaga people started to grow a stronger presence in the universe. As such the need for people to act as ambassador for their kind became quite large. Emgar’s eldest child (Tellil) was among the first to be chosen for the task which in essence fulfilled Emgar’s own childhood aspirations. That said Emgar hadn’t fully given up those dreams from long ago and was also able to take one of these positions but as an educator on the topic of mental health.

As of the beginning of the story they’ve been tasked to come to the UICA headquarters to retrieve a troubled youth.


Emgar is among the nicest people you would ever meet. They are calm, gentle and friendly to everyone but are fully capable of being assertive and honest with individuals that are acting in a less pleasant manner. As an extension of this they are a pacifist and I mean that in the most accurate way possible: they will not push or strike someone even in self defence. Even though this is a religious belief they strongly hold Emgar considers it a self chosen pledge. As such they don't actually push others to be nonviolent regardless if they disagree with their methods. In general they're very supportive of how others choose to live and fully accept them without judgement or criticism. All 3 of their kids were raised with this value in mind leading them to have unorthodox choices in career (at least among ginaga).

In a way their kindness and strict dislike of violence can be considered one of their primary character flaws. Their natural tendency to try to sympathize with others does sometimes extend to people that could be only described as evil. Being too kind to the worst types can embolden them and while Emgar doesn't have that intention its definitely a potential consequence. Basically in plain English: if a villain comes along they're going to try to be nice to them no matter how much they don't deserve it.

Also as noted above they are CAPABLE of being assertive but it doesn't mean they always are when necessary. They can be a doormat not only to things affecting themself but also when watching others be abusive. This is one reason Tyfon's... less than ideal behavior isn't something Emgar stops too often regardless of having the power to do so. Its not really they're afraid to hurt feelings or something like that (at least not usually) its they just don't like conflict. Its one of the few aspects of them that could be legitimately considered "selfish".

To move back to positive traits Emgar loves educating themself. Not only are they an avid reader on almost any topic under the stars but they also encourage others to teach them and share stories. They are what could be considered a jack of all trades with their knowledge. This definitely serves them well as a representative of their people as Emgar can easily interact with other species without being confused about their customs and relay this info. Their knowlege even extends to all sorts of things like robotics, programming, cooking and engineering though these are on more basic levels.

So in short they're lovely and smart but they do have flaws in the execution of their kindness and peace loving beliefs.