


2 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Legends: Arceus


(albino) unovan zoroark

Other forms

(younger) zorua, design was made as a mega zoroark so?? Whatever that means for him


The jade fox


He’s important enough to make him his own profile so here it is! He’s from the same time and region as my Legends Arceus protagonist, Agatha. He also fell from the space-time rift that Agatha went through, at the time still a zorua. Like hers, his eyes are red, hers are pinker while his burn like fire, they relate over it ✨Being albinos, his pigmentation doesn’t change when he shapeshifts, staying white as snow with red eyes. He’s truly completely white, but he likes to use red facepaint to make markings on him, to resemble hisuian zoroarks more.

Before their official meeting, he had been surviving in this new scary environment and stealthily following Agatha around, the only thing that he’d seen before getting sucked into the rift. People don’t take kindly to pokemons in these times, and the townspeople are used to seeing Agatha run around all over the place, so the zorua starts shapeshifting into her to get around. He’s lucky that Agatha always wears a hat and sunglasses, so the townspeople don’t notice her having white hair out of nowhere.

At some point Agatha comes face to face with him, looking like her double. Chase scene ensues, she thinks it might be some time traveling anomaly(She’s still investigating the space tine rifts and doing the main plot at that point), but when she catches him in a last ditch effort he turns back into a zorua and tries to squirm away. She doesn’t catch him, instead escorting him back out of the village, but he just sneaks right back into the village. He’s very skittish, but is attached to her out of familiarity and fear. She offers him shelter in her dorm when a bad storm happen, and a slow building of trust + friendship goes from there. Though he doesn’t need to for stealth anymore, Zorua still enjoys taking the form of a human and is used to it, so he still shapeshifts into her but is able to wear different clothes and alter things like body features, kind of growing into his own. He enjoys wearing the hisuian fox mask when human, yeah he’s a fan of irony.

Still not being her pokemon, he takes the habit to hang around her and stay at her home. Now that he doesn’t have to keep her from noticing him, he explores the lands with her and stays close to her. He evolves into a zoroark on his first time fighting alongside her, stepping in to protect her from a dangerous zoroark alpha. Cue angst because hisuian zoroarks look more like him than unovan ones ever did, and as a misfit it hits him hard. After the encounter, he then wishes to truly become her pokemon. Still, he loathes pokeballs from a past experience, so he tries to stay out of his at all time. In an effort to be comforting, Agatha customizes his pokeball to look like a love ball, kind of being the first love ball prototype ever! She’s sappy lol

Like I said he uses red paint to make markings on him, Agatha helps with it sometimes. She also regularly brushes him n pulls his hair in his updo and plays with his fur, etc. They very cuddly, cute. They’re just wholesome